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5 Star Faves

What does it take for a book to receive a 5 Star Review on LC's Adventures in Libraryland??

I do not hand out 5-stars very often-- they are reserved for those books that have truly "wowed" me and sent me into raptures about how incredible they are. Here is what a book must have to gain a perfect rating!

It must have a totally awesome and unique story
The characters must be memorable and brilliant
The writing must be stunningly beautiful
The world-building must be creative and take me away to another time and place
On top of all that, there has to be a "certain something" about it that makes the book stand out above the rest
It must leave me totally breathless, delighted, and itching to get my hands on the next!
It must leave me thinking to myself, "I am totally reading this book again someday"

So which books have earned this honor?
Just click on the cover image to go to the review :)

~5 Star Series~ Creative Commons License