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Sunday, March 27, 2011

In My Mailbox! (1)

OK, so a couple days ago I took this picture of my GIGANTIC stack of books that I have sitting in my livingroom-- all of which I plan to read and review for your viewing pleasure :) I was going to post this pic, but then I stumbled upon The Story Siren's blog after seeing the "In My Mailbox" post from a bunch of fellow book bloggers-- I had to check out what this was all about, and am now planning on giving you guys a sneak-peak of what's up-and-coming on my reading list. Soooo... here is my very FIRST IMM!! Very exciting!

In this teetering pile, are the following books- going top to bottom- that I CANNOT wait to make my way through:

Rampant by Diana Peterfreund
Ascendant by Diana Peterfreund
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
Jane by April Lindner
Possessed by Kate Cann
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Vixen by Jillian Larkin
Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen
Torment by Lauren Kate
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain

Since I work in a bunch of different public libraries, I checked all of these out :) In the future, I hope I can get authors to send me books in the mail, that would be so cool! I'm not planning on reading these in exactly this order, but I promise that they will ALL be read! I am definitely looking forward to building up my reviews here, and I think I have a pretty good start with this stack :) What do you guys think? Anything I should add after I make my way through this??


  1. This is a teetering stack of awesome! I looooved Rampant and Ascendant. She'd better write the next book soon! I also loved Paranormalcy. I hope you enjoy all your books! Can't wait to read your reviews.

  2. Oh, you are going to LOVE The Dark Diving and Graceling. Seriously. I haven't read any of the others, but I've heard of them. I'm excited to read your reviews!

  3. That's a huge stack of books :) Loooks like some good reads too! Before I Fall is great and I loved Jane!!! Enjoy :D

  4. Thanks Shaylene! Aaaand I picked up 3 more at the library I worked at today! Time to get busy! ;)

  5. Great books! Before I Fall, Jane, BYT and Rampant are amazing!!

    Hope you enjoy all of your books :D


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