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Monday, July 25, 2011

Teaser Tuesday (12)

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read and open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
A couple days ago I started reading Through Her Eyes by Jennifer Archer. Oh. Em. Gee. This book is incredible! I am absolutely loving everything about it-- the characters, the story, and of course the sheer creepiness of a haunted old house! Here is my teaser for this week:

"Remnants of the terrifying experience in Henry's world crowd my mind as I make my way to the window and look out. Tattered clouds cover the moon. Tree branches bend and sway. Shadows dance across the lawn. I move to the other window that overlooks the cellar and barn, squint and look closer. The shadows part and, between them, I see someone bent over the cellar door."


Ahh! I can't put this book down! I have a little under 100 pages to go, and am going to try to finish it tonight :)

LC's 500

Also, if you haven't had a chance yet, be sure to enter for your chance to win FREE BOOKS through my 500 Follower Giveaway going on now until the end of August! You can click the image to the right to enter! -------------------------------->

Happy reading everyone! :)



  1. Sounds so good! I should pick up this book! :)

  2. It certainly does sound like a fascinating and spooky read! Glad you're enjoying it. I'll look for your review in the near future.

  3. A great teaser! it sounds like an interesting read.

    My TT,

    Have a nice week..

  4. Wow, awesome teaser! I'm adding this to my TBR!

    My Teaser Tuesday is from Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz. Happy Reading! Jen @ A Reader's Journey

  5. Hmm, it sounds as there might be two different worlds at play here.

    Something unusual for me this week - a non fiction teaser!

  6. Spooky! Sounds very atmospheric. Your blog is lovely, by the way! This week my teaser is from The Iron Knight.

  7. Thanks for coming by my blog :D Your teaser sounds great! I think I'm going to add this one to my wishlist, thanks for sharing!
    This is my Teaser Ttuesday.

    Oh, and I just took one of your buttons to add it to my blog roll :D

    Alaiel @ Librarian Mouse

  8. Nothing quite like a good haunted house. Great teaser.
    Here's my Teaser

  9. Ah, a very creepy scene...thanks for sharing.

    Here's MY TT POST

  10. I love the sound of that, it's fantastic! I'm also a big fan of your header image and layout - lovely :)

    My teaser is from Prophecy, which I'm also holding a giveaway for.

  11. I wonder what is bent over the cellar door?

  12. That's a wonderful teaser! I have this book but I haven't read it yet. This definitely makes me want to bump it up!

    My teaser is from Awaken by Kate Kacvinsky.

  13. Ooo Creepy teaser. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Ooh... Haunted is good. I'll have to put this on my "to read" list!

    To answer your question on my teaser post - yes, I am excited for The Hobbit now that Peter Jackson has taken it on. I was disappointed when they originally said that he wouldn't be directing. But now I have no worries about it being a great adaptation.

  15. This sounds so good! I'm really wanting to read it! :)

    Here's my Teaser Tuesday post:

    Hope you're having a lovely day! :)


  16. I love your banner and post header! I don’t think my TBR pile will recover from the teasers this week! So many amazing books I want and so little time. Hope you will stop by and check out my White Cat teaser on !

  17. Great teaser! And I'm so glad you like it. It sure sounds like a great book! Perhaps a future read, hmm? *writes it down*

    Thanks for sharing the awesomeness! My teaser can be found here! I'm so teasing myself this week for a book I can't wait to get to!

  18. O good stuff. I find I want more.

    Here is my TT :)

  19. That's a great teaser! That book seems good, I might put it on my TBR list. Here's mine:

    New follower,
    April (Books4Juliet)

    P.S. I like your blog. It's pretty!

  20. I love your excitement. It makes me exited. Great teaser :)


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