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Monday, June 17, 2013

Book Blog Makeover! J&M's Book Diaries

Hello lovely book bloggers! So it has been a super long time since I have posted on my blog, but I wanted to show you the latest MAKEOVER I did for two awesome book chicks, Jenny and Malisa, over at J&M's Book Diaries.

Jenny and Malisa are fairly new to the book blogging world, but they knew that they wanted a custom design for their site to make it stand out from the rest. Like so many new bloggers, they were using one of the Blogger templates- it was pretty, but generic and a bit boring! So they got in touch with me about a new design- one that featured a custom vector illustration of the two of them, reading and chatting over coffee. They also love the color coral, so I made sure to include a pretty peachy coral color in their final design.

~The Custom Vector Illustration~
Designed and Drawn by me! ;)

One of the things that I kept in mind when designing Jenny and Malisa's blog was that they really wanted a modern and more minimalist style- nothing too busy or over the top. So I definitely kept things nice and simple in their template, sticking with a soft gray background with "pops" of color. This modern and simplified look makes it so that the main focus of their design is the custom illustration and the content on their page.

Because they ordered my Deluxe Makeover Package, they also got a choice of 4 custom upgrades, so they chose to add on custom post dividers, sidebar titles, post signature and social media buttons, which were all included. See below for the before and after pics of J&M's Book Diaries!



With this simple and modern look, Jenny and Malisa can now be sure that their blog is unique and makes an impression on their readers. I hope you'll stop over and visit these two fabulous book bloggers and show some love by following their new site! Just click on the NEW DESIGN image above to hop on over ;)

~Grab a Button!~

J&M Book Diaries
<div align="center"><a href="" title="J&M Book Diaries"><img src="" alt="J&M Book Diaries" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Are you considering a new look for your blog? Do you just need an extra little something to spruce up the look you already have? Please stop on over and see me at Lea Christine Designs by clicking on the button below-- you can check out the services I offer and all the designs I have already done!

Happy Reading!


  1. It's awesome! I'm sure they adore it :)

  2. Great Design!!!! I love how clean it looks!:)

  3. Beautiful revamp! It definitely has a greater character than the last layout :)

  4. That looks absolutely great! Love the way you use bright colors in a clean, subtle way!

  5. Looks great! You're very talented. :)

  6. Nice design! It's very creative and I thought I might want to consider a new look for my blog. :)


  7. That looks absolutely great! Love the way you use bright colors in a clean, subtle way!
    Hire Dedicated Resources

  8. That's awesome! I was wondering for your "Blogs I Love" page, how did you set up the buttons to be set up into rows? On my "Blogs I Love" page, I have the buttons to all the blogs I'm following (including yours!) set up into one vertical line, but I wanted to do it in several rows so that I wouldn't have too much space on my "blogs I love" page.


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