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Saturday, January 14, 2012

In My Mailbox (10)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Kristi over at The Story Siren, where we get to share about the books that we've gotten recently, whether it's in the mail, from the bookstore or the library!

Hi Everyone!!

So guess what? I am really excited this week because I am posting my very first ever vlog!! It's a little longer than I wanted, but hopefully you guys enjoy it, despite way to many "ums" haha, hopefully I get better at that-- please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments below!

Also, just so you know, the first 2 minutes or so is me rambling and introducing my new puppy Sophie. If you want to skip to the IMM section, just go to around minute 2 :) I want to keep doing videos on a pretty regular basis, so I started a You Tube channel for LC's Adventures in Libraryland-- if you want to subscribe to my channel, I put a button in my sidebar! -------->

~Goodreads Links~
Just click on the book covers below!

What did everyone else get this week? Let me know in the comments!

**NOTE: So, I just wanted to quickly say something about the whole uproar with Kiera Cass and her publicist-- after reading about it, I am leaning towards thinking that Kiera herself was not necessarily being unprofessional and immature as much as her publicist was... of course, I don't know this for sure but just based on the evidence, I'm not sure I'm ready to point the finger at Kiera. I think that she was maybe the naive victim who happened to choose a really horrible and unprofessional agent or publicist-- this publicist clearly doesn't understand the business she is in, or anything about the power of social media. These are open platforms that can be accessed by the public! Do not post or tweet things that you do not want other people to see!

Anyways, I will still be reading The Selection, and I will treat it as I treat any other book-- if I like it, I will write a raving review, and if I don't like it, I will state in my review exactly why. And if this publisher wants to say bad things about me? Well, she's only digging herself deeper into her own grave right? She's already done more harm to the author's reputation and the new book than any blogger review ever could...

If you are not sure what I am talking about, you can follow these links below to catch up. I am not saying who is really to blame except the obvious person who insulted another blogger pretty badly simply for giving her honest opinion about the book.

Goodreads comments
Blog comments
Blog post on the issue



  1. Congrats on doing a vlog! I saw on your twitter yesterday how you were asking for help, I'm glad you figured it out:D Just like you, I REAAALY wanted to read The Selection VERY bad buuut I saw lots of negative, immature drama from the author & it made me delete it from my reading list. On the author hand, I'm dying for Article 5. Glimmer & Legend also look good. Happy reading<3 I'm not a fan of dogs (I'm terrified of them!) but Sophie is a cute one! I like the vlog, it was worth the trouble:D

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies♥
    -thank you&come again.

  2. I really enjoyed both Clarity and Legend. Also, Article 5 sounds amazing and I'm dying to get my hands on a copy of The Selection :)

  3. Oh, Legend and Article 5. I want to read those books. I'll be looking forward to your reviews. Great haul this week!

    My IMM won't be up until tomorrow.

  4. Awesome IMM! I am so excited for Selection that cover is gorgeous!!!
    Happy reading :)
    My IMM:

  5. Sophie is adorable! And you did great on your first vlog. It'll still be awhile before I ever get up the nerve to do one. :) Awesome books all around, I just pre-ordered Article 5, and I got The Selection in the mail just yesterday! Happy reading. :)

    My IMM!

  6. That's was such a great vlog! And Sophie is super cute!

    I'm so jealous you have article 5 I love the sound of that one.

  7. Ooooh you're so cute! And Sophie is cute as well :) I love the cover of Selection. I'm glad that it's beautiful in the reality as well as the goodreads picture... I can't wait to read it and I'm looking forward to you review :)


  8. Awesome IMM! I'm looking forward to reading The Selection and Glimmer! Enjoy your new books!

    Sophie is a cutey, and congrats on doing vlog!

  9. Really sad to see what happened with the author+agent of The Selection today. That was one of my top books to read in 2012 and now I don't know if I'm going to be able to read it. Article 5 however I am over-the-top excited about. You got some great books this week. Have fun.

    Sophie is adorable.

    1. Someone else commented about this too and I'm not sure what happened? Also, I am reading Article 5 right now and it is AWESOME :)

  10. Great haul.

    So jealous over Article 5 and The Selection. Both sound great!

    Laura @ The Traveling Owl

  11. I've been wanting to read Legend for a long time so i hope you enjoy it! Awesome job on your first vlog =) Come check out my IMM!!

  12. Oh I loved Legend!!! I hope you enjoy it too - fantastic haul!

    Melissa @ Book Nerd Reviews

  13. i read rampant, it was good... I really want to read Clarity! I heard some good and bad stuff about The Selection... just that the author and agent were being unprofessional...

    anyway here's my IMM

  14. Congrats on your first vlog! You've got some great books to choose from this week - I've got almost all of them on my TBR shelf!

    If you want to read about The Selection drama, you can find it here


    Radiant Shadows

  15. So jealous I really want to read The Selection!!!!! I look forward to your review. My copy of legend hasn't gotten to me yet but I can't wait to start it. Happy Reading! :)

    My IMM

  16. they all sound really interesting! Enjoy them all!

    My IMM

  17. Oh my, Sophie is so cute!! :) I've always preferred cats to dogs but she's so cute, I just want to hold and hug her :)
    Nice IMM by the way - Article 5 and the Selection are both on my wishlist. I hope you enjoy reading them!

    Here's my IMM for this week.

    Have a nice weekend!
    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  18. Congrats on your first vlog!! You have some AMAZING books this week! Congrats on your new puppy, too!! Sophie is really, REALLY cute!!!!! Poms are one of my favorite breeds!!! I'm really jealous about THE SELECTION!!! I loved LEGEND and still have to read my copy of RAMPANT and pick up a copy of CLARITY (since I have the sequel...)

    (And I hadn't heard of anything happening until just now. Hopefully it won't harm the book at all!)

  19. I'm studying to be a librarian right now and I totally get fines all the time too! You would think that since we are librarians we would know better :P I'm looking forward to The Selection as well! Sounds a lot like Shannon Hale's novel "Princess Academy" but I'm sure it will have it's own kind of twist! Great first IMM vlog! :)

  20. Oh wow.. yet more blogger/reviewer/author/author friends drama? Seriously? When will people learn that different people have different opinions and slating them isn't going to put you in a very good light. Urgh. Oh well.. Hope you enjoy the book at least!

  21. Oh, awesome mailbox :D *So jealous about Article 5* I can't wait to read that one :) <3 And Legend is amazing! :D I hope you enjoy all you got. <3 :)
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  22. Awesome books. The Selections sounds interesting. Great haul. Some great and really pretty covers. Hope you enjoy all your new books.

    Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog

  23. Great books you got. I was super nervous in my first vblog. Just rambling endlessly lol I made one for this week and couldn't get it to upload ugh all the nervousness the second time around and for nothing.

  24. Your puppy is SO cute! You got some amaaaazing books, especially Article 5 which I'm REALLY looking forward to

    The Cait Files

  25. I liked Rampant =) i hope you enjoy your books

    Check out my IMM

  26. Great Mailbox! The Selection sounds excellent! Hope you'll enjoy it!
    Happy Reading!
    My IMM
    A Beautiful Madness

  27. Nice selection, hope you'll enjoy! Good luck with your lovely pup! ;)

    I got 'I Capture the Castle' by Dodie Smith, 'Deadly Cool' by Gemma Halliday and 'Supernaturally' by Kiersten White.

  28. Great set! I can't wait to read The Selection regardless of the controversy. What a cover.
    My IMM

  29. Awesome haul!! The Selection looks soo good!!

  30. OMG what an awesome haul you got this week! And the drama that the book blogging community is getting too be too much! We should definitely just try to ignore these people troll :(

  31. Great books! I loved Legend and Selection is on my wish list.

  32. Congrats on our first vlog! The Selection and Glimmer are already on my wish list :D They look awesome!

    Seems like so much author/agent drama lately, this is the first I've heard of this incident, but wow, getting old already.

    I hope you love all your books :D

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  33. I love finding librarian bloggers! I am currently working towards my library science degree! New follower here! Here is my IMM: - would love it if you stopped by!:)

  34. Legend is amazing I am debating on reading The Selection because of the whole author-reviewer drama going on. But I do hope you enjoy it

    Shorskie's IMM

  35. I'm a week late, but I had to come see your vlog! I get your blog updates in my email and I've spent today sorting through like 700 emails and I had saved this one from last week since I didn't have time and I am lol. You did great! I was SO nervous the first time I did a vlog, and I never thought I'd get comfortable with it, but I am now. It'll get easier, but you did fantastic for your first time. And Sophie is so cute!! I'm so jealous that you got The Selection, I swear everyone but me got it last week. The cover is gorgeous, I love it. Hope you're enjoying your books! :-)

  36. Well put!

    Great video.
    Awesome stack.

    BTW, I LOVE your pendant! May I ask where you purchased it?


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