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Monday, January 30, 2012

LC's Adventures is Getting a Face-lift!

Hi guys! So guess what? I decided that it was high time for my blog to get a little bit of a face-lift. Don't get me wrong, I did like my old header, but for a long time now I have been wanting something completely original-- something that is totally me and was done 100% by me. And here is the result!! Check out my new header because I did the entire thing free-hand from scratch using an image editing program. I've never drawn vector illustrations before so... not gonna lie, I'm pretty stinking excited at how good it turned out! (In fact, I'm probably dreamily staring at my new header this very moment, as you are reading this.)

So anyways, please tell me what you think, and how you think it compares to the old design (shown below). In the next week, expect the rest of my blog to change a little bit as well with some new fancy updates-- this will mean a pretty new grab button, YAY!!
(old header)
Another reason for the re-design is that I am getting pretty serious about starting a career in web design-- now, I am FAR from reaching this goal and there is still like a billion things I need to learn, but it is a dream of mine. So if you like my design and images, well, keep me in mind when I start up my own business, hopefully within the next year! In the meantime, I will still be reading and reviewing, but not quite as intensely as I have been since I am working hard at the web design thing at the same time...

As always, Happy Reading everyone!!



  1. I really like the new header, and it makes it even cooler that you did it by yourself!

    1. Thanks Shelby! I think all that work paid off, and I will be updating more in the design over the next couple weeks :)

  2. I really like it. It's very whimsical.

    1. Thanks Lisa! Whimsical is what I am going for :D

  3. I really liked your old header, but I love the fact that you worked so hard on the new one and did it all yourself. It looks great! Can't wait to see the rest of the changes.

    1. I liked it too, but I really wanted something I had done myself, and the photos from my old header were not ones that I had taken. I am glad you like the new one too! ;)

  4. I think it looks wonderful! I will definitely keep you in mind when I need my website designed. :D

  5. I absolutely LOVE the new header!

  6. I'm really surprised you did this because I always thought you had one of the prettiest blogs around. BUT I really like the new header, as it's not just pretty, it's striking and artistic, too. Perhaps this one represents your personality more? Anyway, it's great. You're really talented!

    1. Aww yes, I think the old header was nice and very pretty but the photos were not taken by me, whereas this new header was done completely by me so it just seems more personal... I am so glad you like the new one too! :)

    2. I agree. This one is lovely but I must admit to being surprised 'cause I loved your other header so much. You've done a FAB job though. *high five*

  7. My only beef is that the first book you mentioned was Hush, Hush....but since I know it's a guilty pleasure of yours, I won't hold that against you :P (lol) I think it's gorgeous and that it really pops! I loved your old header, but this one is definitely not something I have seen elsewhere, so I'll definitely remember it.

    1. Hahaha that's too funny... yes I did like Hush, Hush! I'm glad you like the new header, and think that it's unique ;)

  8. I probably will be hiring you to do mine soon. If I can. I need a blog redesign and I know you will work with me to give me what I want. You are going to be doing book blog design, right?

    1. Ahh yes I would love to help you with a redesign! Yes I am planning on specializing in blog and book blog designs, although I will probably venture into business websites as well eventually... right now I have just been teaching myself everything, so I am hoping to take an actual class here sometime soon to get into the more technical stuff. Thank you for keeping me in mind! Once I get a little better at figuring out the more complicated aspects of web design we should talk about what you're looking for :)

  9. And I forgot to say that I am seriously impressed.

  10. I love the new header! Pink is one of my favorite colors, and I love how you shaded it. Putting titles on the books just adds to it. Super impressed here, 2 thumbs up!

    1. I'm so glad you like it! And that you noticed the details, now I know I wasn't being OCD for nothing haha...

  11. amazing! You did an amazing job!! :) I love it!

  12. I like how you have your favorite books (I guess) in there :)
    It makes it a lot more personal this way.

    1. Haha yes, I thought that would be a nice little touch ;) Glad you like it!

  13. It looks amazing! So cute with all the books in the girls hand and the pink is amazeballs! I think it's great you are pursuing your goal of web design, when you start your business I'll be on the lookout. God knows my blog needs a massive makeover eventually (I'm kinda clueless with graphics and all that) LOL and I like your style! Grabbing the new button for my blog. :)

    1. I'm so glad that you like my new header design! Definitely keep me in mind for when you are thinking of doing a blog makeover, I would love to help you out! ;)

  14. Your new header is absolutely gorgeous! :D Great job!

  15. Wow! I always swooned over your old header and I'll definitely miss it but the new one is pretty great too and all the more awesome because you made it yourself! ^^

  16. Oh my! I want to learn too!!! No idea where to start though. Guess I'll start googling. I've always wanted to make my own vector images!!


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