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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Book Blog Makeover: Lost Amongst the Shelves!

Hi guys! So today I thought I'd share with you the latest book blog makeover I've been working on, for the lovely Kristan over at Lost Amongst the Shelves...

Kristan emailed me a little over a week ago, looking for an entirely new look for her blog-- one that was super cute and girly with a peach and lavender color palette (lavender is her fave color!) and a header that had an illustration of herself and her long-haired chihuahua, Jack. So after chatting a bit about the entire design, I started work on custom avatars of Kristan and Jack, and added in a fancy bookshelf and some other details. Sticking with the lavender and peach theme, we also worked on some custom social media icons, post dividers, and a custom menu bar at the top. To tie it all together, we decided on a light-lavender background with a swirly scroll-pattern.

And here are the before and after pics!

~Old Design~

~New Design!~

Want to check out Kristan's fabulous book blog? Just click here, to see her entire site, and be sure to follow her too! :)



  1. Awesome job, it's so cute! And I love your new design as well!!

  2. I love it Leah! I can't stop thanking you =) You're amazing and your work is incredible!

  3. It looks great. Lavender is my favorite color too!

  4. I love, love, love this design! So adorable that little dog! ^_^

  5. Great job! I love your desgins! I have always wanted to say that i love your blog desgin when you had changed it into this, but never got the chance. Lol.

  6. Oh my, that's gorgeous! If I ever get a custom design I'm getting one from you.


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