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Saturday, March 31, 2012

In My Mailbox (17)

Hi everyone! Guess what time of the week it is again?? Yep, you got it-- it's In My Mailbox time!! WOOHOO! IMM is hosted by the lovely Kristi over at the Story Siren, so go check it out if you're new. And of course, watch my v-log below to see what fab stuff I received this week! :)

~Goodreads Links~

Like my video? Please like it on YouTube and subscribe to my channel at Libraryland84 :)
~Other News~
Congratulations to Lisa and Leanne for winning my Hunger Games Movie Premier Giveaway!
I am currently holding another Giveaway in celebration of my One Year Blog Birthday-- just click on the button below, or look in my sidebar to enter for a chance to win TWO books of your choice-- yes it is international!! :D


  1. Monstrous Beauty looks really good!! Hope you enjoy it :) And happy blogoversary lady!!! <3

  2. Wow. all the books you got look completely new to me. Happy Blogovercity! :0
    old follower

  3. Ooh, I love that THG tee, it's one of the best designs I've seen!

    Great books this week!

  4. That shirt is so awesome! Monstrous Beauty sounds so good, I'm dying to read it. Enjoy your books :)

  5. happy blogoversary

    hope u enjoy all

  6. Monstrous Beauty sounds great! And I love that Hunger Games t-shirt (especially because its pink). I'm also so excited for the 3d release of Titanic. LOVED that movie =)

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

    1. YES I cannot wait to go see it on Wednesday!! :D

      It's so funny because my sister in law was like, "I know I'm going to cry at the part with the old couple holding each other in bed while the ship sinks" and I was just like "I KNOW!!! That's the SAME part I always start bawling at too!" Haha EPIC movie :D

  7. I really like that shirt. Where it Began and Monstrous Beauty both sound great. Happy reading!

  8. Ooo, what a cool HG pink shirt, love it! Monstrous Beauty sounds like a really good read - it's been so long since I've read a good mermaid book, I am looking forward to this one!
    Enjoy you newbies!

    Here's my IMM:

  9. I'm so glad you won all three books in the Hunger Games Trilogy! I hope you enjoy the next two! Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  10. You got an awesome haul this week, and I'm especially jealous that you have Where It Began as it looks really good. I hope you enjoy all the goodies that you got this week!

    Wanna check out my IMM?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. OOh nice! Those are all new to me! Except for the Hunger Games, but I haven't gotten to reading those!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  13. SO. MUCH. AWESOME. O_O Honestly, your mailbox this week is just . . . um. Wow. First of all, that THG T-shirt? Is fabulous. And I need one. Second of all--you haven't read the other two? FOR SHAME. You should get on that. I was not a great fan of Mockingjay, but Catching Fire is fantastic.

    Also, I am ridiculously excited about Monstrous Beauty. Some of the mermaid books coming out in the next few months I'm a bit ~meh~ on, but that one just sounds so completely fantastic. Hopefully it lives up to its pitch. :D

    My IMM

  14. Katniss the Cattail looks like an interesting one! You got a great haul this week :)

    Come see what I got In My Mailbox this week!

  15. I promise not to steal that shirt. Pink would look better on you anyway. :P Great haul... and thanks for the mention! :) I can't wait to pick up Monstrous Beauty too.
    I also hope you enjoy Catching Fire and Mockingjay as much as the first. :)

    Titanic! *spins in chair and squeals* Okay, yeah, I'm really excited, too. :D I saw it four times in theatres the first round. Unfortunately, prices are much more expensive now a little over ten years later so I can't see it like that this time. But I will definitely be going to watch it either way at least once or twice. ;) I always cry. Especially during the final instrumental with the band, and they start showing the old couple, and the captain... and ugh. Tears everywhere. Haha.

    Happy reading!


  16. I haven't read these ones, but I hope you'll enjoy them all!

    My IMM

  17. I have been hearing great things about Monstrous Beauty so I hope you love it.

    I am so excited about the release of Titanic 3D. I also have my tickets for opening night!

    Enjoy your new reads!

  18. Ooh, Titanic. And Monstrous Beauty... And Where it Began. Lots of books I need to read. Great haul!

    My IMM

  19. LOOOOVE the shirt... it is so awesome and love that it is PINK! YAY! Hope you enjoy Titantic in 3D as much as you did the first time around!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  20. Ooh, Monstrous Beauty! YAY! Also you got several other books that sound like they're going to be so amazing. Happy reading, Lea!

    My IMM

  21. Awesome books this week!! I hope you enjoy all of your new reads :D

  22. Awesome mailbox! I hope you enjoy all the books!
    My IMM

  23. Where It Began & Monstrous Beauty sounds like good ones! Hope you love them all! <3
    -Heather/My IMM

  24. i really want to read where it began. great books this week! enjoy! :)

    my IMM this week.


  25. I'm wanting to read Where it Began sooo bad! It looks so good! The Hunger Games one is intriguing too, I'll have to look into it.

    Hope you enjoy it and the others!

  26. Love your current blog layout, Lea. Sounds like a mad tea party is being held - perfect for your blogoversary! *confetti falling* I have a fascination with Alice in Wonderland. Anyway, congratulations on the giveaways that you've won.

    I like The Hunger Games shirt. I haven't bought the trilogy yet. I'm planning to get mine from the Science Fiction Book Club because they have the cheapest price for the trilogy that I've seen by far. Katniss the Cattail sounds like a very interesting companion guide to the trilogy. I am drawn to symbolisms in narratives, so I'll be sure to check that one out, too.

    While I don't read a lot of YA contemporary novels, Monstrous Beauty sounds like a fractured albeit contemporary retelling of The Little Mermaid. Not a carbon copy in terms of plot, but the idea that a mermaid sacrificed herself to live a human life reminded me of Ariel's desire to be human.

    Later today I will be drafting a review for a picture book written by Deborah Hopkinson called Maria's Comet, a historical fiction based loosely on the life of America's first woman astronomer. I find it rather interesting that she also wrote something about the Titanic. I know you love reading about YA novels, but because you like the Titanic and enjoy learning about it, you might want to check out a nonfiction picture book called Titanic: Disaster at Sea. It tells how the ship was built, why the builders were confident it was unsinkable, the crew, and kind of passengers aboard on the ship, among others.

    Anyway, I think I've bored you with my babbling. Haha. Enjoy your goodies and your books. Especially your books. Happy blogoversary!! :)

  27. Congratulations on winning that contest. That's awesome!! I never win giveaways either. I'm so happy to see someone I know AND love win. And yes, that t-shirt is awesome!!

    Dearly Departed is one of my favoritest books ever! Book soulmates, I tell you!

    Pixie is a sweetheart. Glad you two are friends.

    And I've added that Titanic book to my list. I love reading about the Titanic.

    If you can't tell I commented as the video went along. Sorry it's so disjointed. LOL.

    Have a great week my darling!

  28. I've read mixed things about Where It Began, but look forward to reading it too. Hope you enjoy it and the others.

    My IMM
    Safari Poet

  29. I got Monstrous Beauty from NG too. I hope you like it. I've not started reading it yet. Dearly Departed is on I'd like to read soon. Enjoy your great books this week.

  30. Happy Blogaversary! And great mailbox. I hope you love them all!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Amber @ Fall Into Books

  31. Great vlog [you have the nicest hair!], that t-shirt is amazing! So pretty. Ah, I really want to read Katniss the Cattail- it sounds amazing *adds to wishlist*.

  32. I am really looking forward to Monstrous beauty Too. Love The Hunger Games T-shirt.It's pink!! I have a pink one too, but different design. The Titanic book sounds interesting. Great books!! Thanks for stopping by hon!!

  33. Haha that was seriously the giveaway to win!!!! =) Congrats chica! I cant wait to hear what you though of the Katniss the cattail guide once you finish it -- I noticed a liiiitle bit of the symbolism in the book but probably like 5% of what that book would reveal! Super curious now ;)

  34. I have been so wanting to read Where It Began and Monstrous Beauty looks great!

    And yes, Happy Blogoversary to you! =D

    Here's my IMM!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  35. Cute Hunger Games shirt! I want to buy all the Hunger Games shirts out there, but my bank account said "no". On another note, Where it All Began looks a lot like a Jenny Han book, I'll have to look into it. :)

  36. Squee, what a fab. IMM Congrats on your win! The shirt is so cute!

  37. Loved The Hunger Games t-shirt and books, congrats! Monstrous Beauty sounds really good.
    Happy reading!
    Thanks for visiting My IMM

  38. Oh my gosh! I love your IMM button! Thats too cute!

    I've heard Katniss the Cattail is good, I hope you enjoy!

    Thanks for visiting my IMM!

  39. Katniss the Cattail looks good - looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

    - Jessica @ Book Sake

  40. Some excellent books added to your collection this week. Your design is so cute--I love your social media icons (I just added some rather boring ones to my blog but at least they're there!).

  41. OMIGosh I LOVE your blog!!!! I saw several of your vlogs before but never followed the link (i'm not even sure why) Awesome IMM this week, I might have to check out the Titanic book. Happy Reading & Happy Blogoversary!!!!

  42. Happy Blogoversary. Good selection of books. Hope you enjoy all your new books.


  43. What a great vLog! Happy Blogoversary!!! I can see why you were gushing on your books! Very cool t-shirt!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM!

  44. Can't wait to read Monstrous Beauty. Awww Love Titanic! Such a great movie! Enjoy!

    Happy Blogoversary!

  45. I'm like you in the fact that I never win giveaways! Sometimes I go to other blogs IMM post and it seems like they've managed to win 20 of them in one week. I'm just unlucky like that. The Hunger Games shirt is awesome! I love your graphics.

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM! New Follower.

  46. I am looking so forward to Monsterous Beauty!! I have won more than usual lately but my hubby calls my new addiction a part time job lol However normally my luck is horrible so maybe we can switch up :) My Follower Giveaway has low enteries :) Just sayin lol
    I really hope you enjoy the reads you got this week and thank you for stopping by my IMM :)

  47. oooh Monstrous Beauty!! I'm super looking forward to reading that as well! I love the cover, it's like creeptastic! I'm not sure when you changed your background and header stuff (blush, it might've been awhile ago) but I really love it! Especially the avatar with the striped knee-highs! She rocks!! <33

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and congratz on your one year! Woot!

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

    1. Aww thanks April, it makes me so happy when people say they like my design and vector graphics because I drew them all by myself! :D

  48. Awesome IMM. :D Hope you enjoy all of the books you got, and happy blogoversary. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  49. A wonderful haul this week Lea - Happy reading!!

    My IMM -

    Have a great week, Sharon

  50. Great IMM! I am really looking forward to Monstrous Beauty! It sounds so interesting. I want to see how the decision affect the future, and what they have to do to correct it. History Nerds unite :) Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my IMM!!

  51. Hello, hello!! You've been awarded a blog award! Check it out here

  52. Monstrous Beauty looks so good! I hope you enjoy all you got! And I love the new blog layout! It's super cute!!

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM :)

  53. All your books look cool Lea, but you know the one that looks the most interesting to me? The book on the symbolism in The Hunger Games! I love finding the "hidden meanings" in art, film and literature. I think that one is definitely going on my tbr list, thanks for bringing it to my attention:)

  54. wow, you had a great mailbox week! I love the pink HG shirt!

  55. Well I'm a MAJOR fan of The Hunger Games so I REALLY want to read that 'Katniss the Cattail' book!
    By the way, I've given you the Versatile Blogger Award! It can be a Happy Blogoversary present1 ;)

  56. Awesome IMM! I picked up Where it Began a few weeks ago but haven't been able to read it yet. It looks so good though! Enjoy all your books :)

    Thanks for stopping by Book Cover Justice!

  57. I can't get over the fact HOW PRETTY YOU ARE. Yes, you. :)

    I've heard great things about Monstrous Beauty and Where it Began, so I'm looking forward to your reviews.

    Happy reading and thank you so much for stopping by!
    Agnieszka @ Nook of Books

  58. I can't wait for Where it Began. I don't read much contemp either, but it sounds so good!

  59. You'll LOVE Monstrous Beauty!! I know I did! :))

  60. Definitely just added Monstrous Beauty to my good reads "to-be read" list! Great IMM! :)

  61. 1. You actually said my name correctly, which made me make a noise that scared the dog. So awesome. The little things in life mean so much. haha

    2. Catching Fire is "eh." But as you read it, see if you picture Finnick as hot body Chris Hemsworth. That's what I'm hoping for in the movie.

    3. Katniss the Cattail is awesome. I had no idea there were so many symbols and allusions either. The most interesting was the mythology aspect and the allusion to Animal Farm in Mockingjay. (I love Animal Farm.) Hope you enjoy that one.

    4. Oh, and I've been lazy about the Amazon stuff. It will be on it's way this week, promise. Time got away from me. =) sorry.

  62. I only read The Hunger Games soon before I saw the film and am reading Catching Fire at the moment. A lot of people are a bit iffy about the sequel but I think that the emotional tension and stakes are very strong in it. Hope you enjoy reading the rest of the trilogy! :)

  63. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my IMM post. :) LOVE LOVE LOVE your Hunger Games items. Congrats on winning. :) You deserve them. I love the t-shirt. So cute!!

    - Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment

  64. Monstrous Beauty sounds great! And I love that Hunger Games t-shirt (especially because its pink). I'm also so excited for the 3d release of Titanic

    Học bổng toàn phần|Trường quốc tế|Hoc bong toan phan|Truong quoc te|Bước nhảy hoàn vũ 2012

  65. Ann Stampler is one of the NICEST authors I have ever had the opportunity of talking with. I haven't read Where it Began yet, but really look forward to it. Congrats on your win!! That's fantastic. I'd be really excited too.

  66. Great IMM! I'm also dying to read Where it Began.

    Have an amazing reading week~

  67. OOh nice! Those are all new to me! Except for the Hunger Games, but I haven't gotten to reading those!
    hoc bong toan phan

  68. Wanna read that...
    Have a nice day of reading :)

  69. "Monstrous Beauty" sounds better than most mermaid books I've read, too! I'm going to find myself a copy. And, I'm a Titanic buff, as well. I don't know why I'm so haunted by the whole thing. It was such a horror. I've seen the movie about 5 times. Haven't seen your YouTube updates before, but I'll be tuning in now. See you later! Come visit me sometime, too! I'm also a Book Blog member...we help eachother out, don't we!!? :] Hugs, Deb/TheBookishDame


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