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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Book Blog Makeover! Nawanda Files

PhotobucketIt's MAKEOVER time again at Lea Christine Designs!! I love getting to share with you guys the latest design makeovers that I've done for some awesome book bloggers and their fabulous blogs, so here is today's:

Krista is a YA book blogger over at Nawanda Files, where she had a super cute space-and-robot theme going on. The problem was she had no fancy header to go along with her theme! Krista asked me if I could give her blog a Custom Makeover that stuck with her current theme, but just spruced everything up and of course gave her site a focal point with an awesome new header...

For Krista's vector illustrations, I drew a cute astronaut girl on the moon, staring in wonderment as some bookish robots make off with her stack of books. In the background, I added some other spaceships. Krista also ordered a custom menu bar to go along with her theme, and a matching favicon. Here are the results!

~Old Design~

~New Design!~

I hope you'll take a minute to stop on over to Krista's awesome book blog and let her know what you think of her new look! Just click on the new design image above or click Nawanda Files to stop by and say hello :)

UPDATE: Krista is ALSO hosting an awesome GIVEAWAY to celebrate her new design as well, so now you will definitely want to stop on over! :D --> CLICK HERE FOR GIVEAWAY!

Are you considering a new look for your blog? Do you just need an extra little something to spruce up the look you already have? Please stop on over and see me at Lea Christine Designs by clicking on the button below-- you can check out the services I offer and all the designs I have already done!

Happy Reading!


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