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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cover Reveal! Finale by Becca Pitzpatrick

OK guys, I know I'm a *little* behind with this one, but I just HAD to do a cover reveal post for the cover of Finale, Becca Fitzpatrick's LAST book in the Hush, Hush series. So here it is!


Oh, man. I LOVE IT!! I love all the covers in this series, Nora looks gorgeous and Patch? Well I think we can all agree that he's sexy as all get-out! ;) The dramatic black and white of these covers really make them stand out and be instantly recognizable. I have no idea what is going to happen with Patch and Nora in this final installment about heavenly war and earthbound angels, but I definitely cannot WAIT to find out!!

What do you guys think of the cover for Finale?? Let me know in the comments! :)


Author: Becca Fitzpatrick
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Release Date: October 23rd 2012
Pages: 352

Summary: Nora is more certain than ever that she is in love with Patch. Fallen angel or no, he is the one for her. Her heritage and destiny may mean that they will always be enemies, but there is no turning her back on him. But now they face their biggest challenge. Can their love survive a seemingly insurmountable divide. And in the end, will there be enough trust left to rebuild what has been broken? The lines are drawn - but which sides are they on?

~Check it Out!~


  1. Omg this cover is gorgeous!!! I am so freaking excited about this book! I loved the first and second books (the third one wasn't that good) so I'm hoping this one is amazing as well!

    1. I know, I am SO excited too!! :P I really, really hope that it is going to be amazing!!

  2. Oh my gosh. That is one gorgeous cover. And I'm with you, these covers really do stand out because of the black and white tones to it. I haven't read these books yet, though, I do own the 1st installment.

    Thanks for sharing :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

    1. It's funny because I didn't even think I would like this series that much but I decided to give them a shot and I absolutely LOVED Hush, Hush! The second book wasn't quite as good but I really love the story and... PATCH!! Haha ;)

  3. I love the black and white of these covers too! I still need to read Silence. I think I am going to save it for right before Finale is released. I <3 Patch! :)

  4. The model for Nora is gorgeous. I really love her hair. Patch's jeans are a little...tight. It's a very striking cover, though.

    1. Whoa! Haha I didn't even notice how tight those pants were till you mentioned it! LOL maybe Patch is Italian?!? :P

  5. I wish that I loved the series as much as I love the covers =( The covers for all of the books are SO, SO beautiful (this one is no exception), but I couldn't even get through the first book. I wanted to like it so badly, but it just wasn't for me.

    1. It's funny because I usually DON'T like books like this, but there is just something about this series that I love, it's like a guilty pleasure read haha :P Sorry you didn't like it, but yes the covers are all so stunning!

  6. I still haven't finished my copy of Hush, Hush. I read a couple of chapters a while back and didn't like it very much. Maybe I'll give it a try again soon. This cover really is gorgeous, my favourite cover of the series so far! :)

  7. The Finale! Literally! So romantic and gourgeous! I have read Hush, Hush and fallen in love with it. However, i haven't read all of he series so i'm looking forward to read all of it. =D

  8. I really love the black and white they've done with this series. I would like to see more book covers like this but as for the picture itself, I'm not that crazy about the covers of any of these. I hate to say it but I'm just not. I haven't decided if I want to read the series yet or not though.

  9. OMG, I love it! And I also have to agree with Felicia, the black and white covers are genius!!

    You wanna know what else is genius...Patch being shirtless on every. single. cover!!!!

  10. I love this cover. It is beautiful!

    ~Ashley Prince @ The Bibliophile's Corner

  11. Besides sticking to black and white, I love how all the covers have angel feathers. That definitely completes the pictures.

  12. Wow I can't believe I missed this! The cover looks great can't wait to find out what happens in the end of this series :)

  13. haha Julie.. Maybe he's a tad metro ;) This cover is stunning though, I love Norah's billowy dress! Thanks for sharing!!

    ~Suzanne @ YA Nation

    1. oops *Nora.. I had a preschooler in my class named Norah and she spelled it with an h. old habit writing it over and over on artwork lol

  14. I have only read Hush Hush, and I loved it when I read it. However, I haven`t read the others. I have loved the covers though. I think they are beautiful. Thanks for posting!

    Sara @ Just Another Story

  15. the cover is absolutely stunning but just look at his body...breathtaking


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