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Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Book Blog Design! Mostly YA Book Obsessed

Photobucket ...Aaaand it is DESIGN time again my lovely book bloggers! Despite being M.I.A. for the past few weeks, I have been trying to stay on top of my busy blog design schedule, and I am SO flipping excited to show you guys the latest completed design I did for Nereyda at her blog Mostly YA Book Obsessed!

Nereyda is actually the first person I've had who came to me just wanting a new custom header and grab button-- usually people want an entire blog makeover, but Nereyda had actually just had her site re-designed and only wanted to have a brand-new header/button combo to make her blog really stand out.

Well as you guys probably know by now, my specialty is creating custom-drawn, one-of-a-kind vector illustrations. I use these in all my custom graphic headers, buttons, and meme badges and they are ALL made to order, created exactly to your specifications :) Nereyda wanted to have a girl with pink hair as the focus of her blog header-- similar to the one she had been using in her Blogger profile (which unfortunately I don't have to show you) and then she also wanted her to be wearing a tiara and dress and there would be a stack of books somewhere too...

SO here is the final result of Nereyda's all-new header and grab button! I am SO so so incredibly happy with how it turned out, and am a **little** jealous that I can't have this be my blog header haha :D Let me know what you guys think in the comments below!

~Grab Button~ 

What It Looks Like on Her Blog!

AND GUESS WHAT?! Nereyda is hosting an awesome GIVEAWAY on her blog right now in celebration of her new blog design! Be sure to stop on over by CLICKING HERE to enter! :)
Are you considering a new look for your blog? Do you just need an extra little something to spruce up the look you already have? Please stop on over and see me at Lea Christine Designs by clicking on the button below-- you can check out the services I offer and all the designs I have already done!

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Book Blog Makeover! I'm a Book Shark

PhotobucketHello everyone!! So today I have an all-new MAKEOVER to show you guys-- one that was a long time in the making due to my crazy schedule and some technical difficulties, but nonetheless it still turned out pretty awesome! Today's blog design was done for Mickey from I'm a Book Shark...

So Mickey's old blog design was definitely cute, but she really wanted it to be updated and re-vamped. She loved the colors in her old design (teal and purple) and she also still liked the girl character in her header, but overall the whole thing just needed a little bit of love and some tweaks to make it fresh and new :) We both worked together on a design that had some similarities to her old one, but would still have a totally new and updated look for her site-- see the results of Mickey's Book Blog Makoever below!


**NOTE: Unfortunately, I totally forgot to take a screen shot of Mickey's old design before I installed the new one (**slaps forehead**), which I always do so that I can show you guys the before and after pics-- clearly the above picture isn't Mickey's actual site, but the template is the same as the one she had before, so you get the idea of what it looked like :)

As you can see, we kept a lot of similar elements in Mickey's new design-- she really wanted her site to still be familiar and recognizable to her followers, so we didn't go too crazy with changing things. However, I did draw her a brand-new vector girl reading a book and listening to her music, and a stack of books that matched the design's color theme. I also wanted to sort of "lighten up" the whole look, so I added the lavender and white striped background. The finished look was similar enough to the old one that you can still tell it's Mickey's blog, but there are also plenty of fresh new updates as well!

I am super happy with how Mickey's makeover turned out! What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below, and also be sure to stop on over to I'm A Book Shark to say hey to Mickey and let her know what you think of the new design!

~Grab a Button!~

Are you considering a new look for your blog? Do you just need an extra little something to spruce up the look you already have? Please stop on over and see me at Lea Christine Designs by clicking on the button below-- you can check out the services I offer and all the designs I have already done!

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hello everyone!

So, clearly I have sucked at blogging lately. Not that I was ever on a regular posting schedule to begin with, but I do try to post at least 3 times a week, with at least 1 book review in the mix as well. So I just wanted to write a brief update on why I have been M.I.A. for the past few weeks and to let you know that I haven't disappeared completely! Basically September is an extremely busy month for me at the library (for those who don't know, I'm a librarian) and I've been running around like crazy lately. It seems that at the end of each day, despite my best efforts, I look something like this:

Add in some fun personal drama, a weird but temporary living situation, job hunting, and well-- it just hasn't been very easy to post like I used to.

With that being said, I do plan on getting the ball rolling again with my blog, because I feel bad for slacking. I know it's a pretty big downer when you visit someone's blog and they haven't posted in nearly a month, so I'm going to try to get things going again as soon as the September crazies are over. I have a HUGE list of books I'm dying to start in on, and also two blog tours coming up in November. Plus I'm still working (sporadically) on my book blog designs, so I will have a few new makeovers to show soon as well.

Love all you guys and I hope to talk to you soon!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cover Reveal! Through These Wicked Nights

Hello to all my lovely readers! Today I am so excited to be giving you the cover reveal for the latest book out by my good friend and fellow blogger, Pixie Lynn Whitfield. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, be sure to find the link below!

Through These Wicked Nights is the second book in Pixie's action-packed Paranormal/Urban Fantasy trilogy called The Guardians of the Night. Back in April I featured the cover reveal for Darkness Comes This Way and I hope you will all add this exciting, fabulous debut series to your To-Be-Read lists! Check out the details below, and there is also a link to Goodreads :)

Author: Pixie Lynn Whitfield
Series: The Guardians of the Night #2
Expected Release Date: January 8, 2013

Summary: The world isn’t the same anymore. Not since humans discovered vampires are real. Zarah and her new team of Guardians barely escaped and are in hiding. What once was her job of protecting them, now she is stuck cowering away as a new threat emerges from the humans: Hunters. War is approaching. To add to her list of growing problems, a group of Fallen have been living in The Compound. Seth is one she can't seem to resist. He teaches her a lot about the side of her she's never known about until recently. Draven has grown cold and distant again since the battle with Nathanial, and she is left feeling conflicted. These are the least of her worries though. Something else is up. A video is discovered with a shocking revelation, and Zarah has a feeling things are about to go haywire.

Everything is crashing down around her. If she doesn't do something soon, they all will suffer the consequences. Even if it means destroying her beliefs and extinguishing what little compassion she has left.
~Find Pixie!~

About the Author: Pixie Lynn Whitfield uses three names because she likes to be a little extra spunky. Not really. Underneath it all, she’s just a little short geek who loves to always have a nose in a book or learning about history. She’s lived in Texas her entire life, and despite her fear of flying, is determined to visit Ireland one day because it’s where all of her ancestors are from. Her father taught her how to read at the age of four, and it was all over from there. She’d known from that first “I do not like green eggs and ham” line that all she wanted out of life was to be a writer one day too. And when he started telling her ghost stories and true legends about Vlad the Impaler, etc. when she was six, she fell in love with the paranormal.

Pixie writes YA--Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, Dystopian, and some Horror. She used to write news articles, but never liked it much because she had no freedom to write to her heart’s desire.

Outside of writing and reading, she loves all things baseball and tennis, rock music/concerts, and blogging. She adores the book blogging community, having been a part of it herself for over a year now as well. Be sure to drop by her blog--she always enjoys making new friends and following others too! Creative Commons License