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Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hello everyone!

So, clearly I have sucked at blogging lately. Not that I was ever on a regular posting schedule to begin with, but I do try to post at least 3 times a week, with at least 1 book review in the mix as well. So I just wanted to write a brief update on why I have been M.I.A. for the past few weeks and to let you know that I haven't disappeared completely! Basically September is an extremely busy month for me at the library (for those who don't know, I'm a librarian) and I've been running around like crazy lately. It seems that at the end of each day, despite my best efforts, I look something like this:

Add in some fun personal drama, a weird but temporary living situation, job hunting, and well-- it just hasn't been very easy to post like I used to.

With that being said, I do plan on getting the ball rolling again with my blog, because I feel bad for slacking. I know it's a pretty big downer when you visit someone's blog and they haven't posted in nearly a month, so I'm going to try to get things going again as soon as the September crazies are over. I have a HUGE list of books I'm dying to start in on, and also two blog tours coming up in November. Plus I'm still working (sporadically) on my book blog designs, so I will have a few new makeovers to show soon as well.

Love all you guys and I hope to talk to you soon!!


  1. Sounds like life is pretty busy for you at the moment, but don't worry - eventually (!) things will settle down and you'll be back in the blogging groove in no time! <3 :)

  2. take your time . we will be here

  3. Sending you a big hug and hoping life calms down for you soon!

  4. OMGAH kitty! I totally get what you're saying with being busy though. Glad you're making it back!

  5. I am glad you're still alive. :P
    Love you!


    P.S. Thanks again for doing the cover reveal for me! I totally know the crazy schedule thing, so I'm just now getting around to some blogs in return. Eeep. o.O


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