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Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Book Blog Design! Mostly YA Book Obsessed

Photobucket ...Aaaand it is DESIGN time again my lovely book bloggers! Despite being M.I.A. for the past few weeks, I have been trying to stay on top of my busy blog design schedule, and I am SO flipping excited to show you guys the latest completed design I did for Nereyda at her blog Mostly YA Book Obsessed!

Nereyda is actually the first person I've had who came to me just wanting a new custom header and grab button-- usually people want an entire blog makeover, but Nereyda had actually just had her site re-designed and only wanted to have a brand-new header/button combo to make her blog really stand out.

Well as you guys probably know by now, my specialty is creating custom-drawn, one-of-a-kind vector illustrations. I use these in all my custom graphic headers, buttons, and meme badges and they are ALL made to order, created exactly to your specifications :) Nereyda wanted to have a girl with pink hair as the focus of her blog header-- similar to the one she had been using in her Blogger profile (which unfortunately I don't have to show you) and then she also wanted her to be wearing a tiara and dress and there would be a stack of books somewhere too...

SO here is the final result of Nereyda's all-new header and grab button! I am SO so so incredibly happy with how it turned out, and am a **little** jealous that I can't have this be my blog header haha :D Let me know what you guys think in the comments below!

~Grab Button~ 

What It Looks Like on Her Blog!

AND GUESS WHAT?! Nereyda is hosting an awesome GIVEAWAY on her blog right now in celebration of her new blog design! Be sure to stop on over by CLICKING HERE to enter! :)
Are you considering a new look for your blog? Do you just need an extra little something to spruce up the look you already have? Please stop on over and see me at Lea Christine Designs by clicking on the button below-- you can check out the services I offer and all the designs I have already done!

Happy Reading!


  1. AHH I LOVE IT! It's so much more "Nereyda" :D And she was really pumped about it when I saw it on her blog and you did an amazing job as always! :)

  2. Yay! I've been looking forward to this and it was sooooo worth the wait! I LOVE it!

  3. you did so great i love the result!

  4. Very cool! If I ever get the money to re-do my blog again, I might have you do a little more custom-y design for my dogs and pic of me!

  5. Oh! That's absolutely gorgeous! I'm jealous too.

  6. The cover page of any book is important, and the design is also important, the people are attracted by designs only. these nice to read about the books in front page. website design muscat

  7. If you want to attracted you consumer then designing is first important part of the books cover page and You are really done Nice designing of you book's front page.

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  8. Hi Lea,

    Awesome! I've just followed you :)

    J.H. Myn


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