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Saturday, February 18, 2012

In My Mailbox! (14)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Kristi over at The Story Siren, where we get to share about the books that we've gotten recently, whether it's in the mail, from the bookstore or the library!

Hi everyone! So here is this week's book haul, well actually it's the past 2 weeks, I've been busy moving so I didn't have time to do one last week. And hey! I shaved my time down by over 3 minutes so this one isn't nearly as long as my last 2 videos. Oh, and also, if I look kinda tired and sound a bit out of it here, it's because I was exhausted when I filmed this haha... But anyways, hope you enjoy!

Also, if you want to subscribe to my YouTube channel, it's Libraryland84 :)

~Book Blogger Link~

Savannah @ Sucked Into Books

Check out the blog makeover I did for Savannah and let me know what you think-- And if you are looking for your own blog makeover, shoot me an email!

~Goodreads Links~

In Honor by Jessi Kirby
 Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
Not That Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian
Cleopatra's Moon by Vicki Alvear Shectar
Auracle by Gina Rosati
Perception by Kim Harrington


  1. I LOVE Perfect Chemistry (hope you love it too!) and I can't wait to read Perfection :)

    My IMM

  2. Perfect Chemistry looks really good. I've been wanting to read that series for awhile i also have been trying to find someone to redesign my blog maybe we could work something out. I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!

  3. I can't wait to read 'In Honor' and 'Not that Kind of Girl'. I loved Perfect Chemistry and I'm sure you'll love it. Enjoy all of your awesome books.

    Ange @ Moonlight Reader

    My IMM

  4. Not That Kind of Girl sounds interesting! I'll definitely have to check that one out. :)

    My IMM for this week

    Happy reading!
    Vicky x

  5. i read Perfect Chemistry recently and really enjoyed it. I'm very envious that you have In Honor...I love the sound of that!

    The Cait Files

  6. Nice! Haven't read these and some are new to me, but have heard some good things about the ones I know of! Happy Reading!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Not that Kind Of Girl looks awesome. I have yet to read Perfect Chemistry but a lot of people love it so hopefully I can get around to it sometime soon. Great haul this week and happy reading!!
    You can check out my IMM here.
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  8. I so badly want to read In Honor. You are going to love Perfect Chemistry; I LOVED the Fuentes brothers. Awesome books.

    Happy reading.

  9. Great Haul! I hope you enjoy all of these Lea x


  10. Great books! I cant wait to read Perception! I've been waiting for that book! :-) Nice video btw!

    Happy reading!

  11. The Clarity series sounds fab! I love the bookcovers too! I can't wait to read them both!
    Enjoy your new books :)

  12. Awesome haul! :D I've heard so many good things about Perfect Chemistry, even from people who don't usually like contemps, so I've been wanting that one for ages. I hope you like it! Also, Auracle and In Honor sound so so good. And I've spent about five minutes staring at Auracle's cover online. Book covers need to stop being ridiculously gorgeous.

    My IMM

  13. I haven't read any of your books, but I hope you'll like them all! Enjoy!

    My IMM

  14. Perfect Chemistry books are really awesome, though I have yet to read Chain Reaction =)

    I do have Clarity in my tbr pile, I think I need to read it so I can read Perception too =)

    ENJOY READING! here's my IMM:

  15. I'm interested in Perception. The other books I don't know a whole lot about. I'll have to remedy this. Great haul this week!

    My IMM

  16. I have PERCEPTION waiting to be read...I just need to read CLARITY first! I've read PERFECT CHEMISTRY, but none of the others. CLEOPATRA'S MOON intrigues me the most. Enjoy!

  17. Ohhh In Honor sounds really good! though a bit on the sad side. ooh i can't believe you haven't read THG and also Perfect chemistry! girl you need to get on with them and read them!! :D
    Ive never heard of auracle, but your description sounds really good! and i also don't like the cover of the hardback of clarity! you should see the paperback of it, its so much better, and i haven't read it. Hopefully I will soon!

    Great IMM! :D

    - juhina

  18. Thanks for your comment on my IMM! And I like your books. I can't tell you how they are, because I don't read them but I hope you would enjoy them.


  19. My colleague has been insisting I read Perfect Chemistry! She loved it!! I'll definitely have to pick it up (if she forgets to bring it in for me) :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Michele | IMM

  20. Great books this week! I have yet to read Perfect Chemistry but i'm dying for it to make it's way up my TBR list!

    Come Check Out My Mailbox!

  21. In Honor! Cleopatra's Moon! Perception!! So many fabulous books, Lea!

    I hope you enjoy them all :)

  22. So jealous about In Honor!!! I need that book. You have so many other great books this week! Enjoy them all :)

    Thanks for stopping by mine!

  23. Congrats on the move and getting all the books hauled around. I want to read Not That Kind of Girl. Happy reading!
    -FABR Steph@FiveAlarmBookReviews

  24. Hey!! Thanks for replying on my blog ;-)
    You have bought Perfect Chemistry! An amazing book! I hope you'll enjoy it!

  25. Great IMM this week. I would love to get my hands on Perfect Chemistry. The series sounds really good.

    Thanks for stopping by my IMM.
    Happy Reading!


  26. Thanks for stopping by. Hope you like Perfect Chemistry as much as I did.

  27. Great IMM! I hope you enjoy all your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my IMM,

  28. Perfect Chemistry is brilliant. Enjoy!

  29. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Graffiti Moon is fantastic - I read a galley a few months back and had to get my own copy. It is a must read. Cath Crowley is fantastic! Her novel A Little Wanting Song is also another must read.

    I loved Not That Kind of Girl by Siobhan Vivian. So smart and sexy. Connor is one of my favorite male YA characters. I hope you LOVE this book.

    Enjoy your books!

  30. I am SO jealous you got In Honor - I want to read that one so bad! I also want to read Not That Kind of Girl. Perfect Chemistry is a really fun read :)

  31. Great books this week!
    And I love what you are wearing!
    Check out my IMM

  32. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Auracle. It looks really good! I'm excited for Perception, too. Book one was amazing!

  33. Great haul! I really love Perfect Chemistry, is a great read.
    Love the cover of Perception!, I haven´t read book 1 yet, I need to read it soon.
    thanks for stopping by My IMM
    Happy reading!

  34. You got some good books! Perception looks really good, and has a pretty cover. ^^
    Check out my IMM?

    1. Oops, I left the wrong link *blush*
      It's actually

  35. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Perception looks awesome! Great haul this week :)

  36. They look like some wonderful books, I'm particularly intrigued by Not That Kind of Girl and In Honor.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I agree, being the first to snag a new book from the library is exciting! I just hope it gets picked up lots more once I'm done with it. :) Happy reading!

  37. Wow! Great books for you this week! Oh my gosh, Perfect Chemistry, get ready to SWOON over some Fuentes boys! Good luck with unpacking all those books, and thanks for dropping by my blog!

  38. Apart from Prefect Chemistry which I've read and enjoyed already, I'm looking forward to reading the other myself. Happy reading!

    My IMM
    Safari Poet

  39. Some great sounding books. I have got to read Perfect Chemistry too!

    Our IMM is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  40. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me! I'm so glad you did, because I love your blog! So now I'm a new follower of yours!

    You got some great books! In Honor wounds great, but so sad. I'm kind of scared of it. Perfect chemistry also sounds like a good story. It kind of sounds like West Side Story with the gang member and the good girl. I hope you enjoy all of them! :)

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl

  41. So many of your books look great! Happy reading.

    Preet @ AWR

  42. Nice mailbox! And you're right, reading books is a lot more fun than having to move them! I dread the day I have to pack up and move all of my books!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! Happy reading!

  43. In Honor and Auracle both sound awesome!! Great books this week. Thanks for stopping by!

  44. Ooh Auracle looks SO GOOD! I also have to read Perfect Chemistry soon I've been hearing how great it is I'm so curious about it. Awesome haul Lea!

    Xpresso Reads

  45. So many great books, I hope you enjoy them all!

  46. Great books! I've heard the Harrington series is pretty great. I need to check it out. I hope you enjoy all Tge great books.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  47. Really looking forward to Perceptiom. Enjoy your books!

  48. In Honor sounds wonderful!! Perfect Chemistry IS wonderful!!! Hope you are settling in to your new place! Happy Reading!! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  49. Auracle sounds amazing, and I can't wait for Perception. <3

  50. I've seen a lot of things about In Honor, a lot of people have liked it that I've seen.
    I hope you enjoy your books, and you have a fantastic blog! :]

  51. You have some great reading waiting on you! Really excited to read In Honor, I've read some great reviews! Enjoy your books! :)

  52. So jealous you have In Honor! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of that book! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a new follower of your blog. Have a good week and happy reading!

    Sara @ upon a love story

  53. I want to read Kim Harrigton's books. Great mailbox thanks for stopping by.

  54. Looks like you had a great week! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  55. Auracle sounds like an interesting read. I really must get around to reading Clarity since Perception is close to release.

    Great books this week, Lea. Happy reading. =)

  56. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my IMM (: I really loved Perfect Chemistry when I first started my blog in December it was one of the first reviews I did Here is the link if you'd like to check it out:

    I really enjoyed your IMM vlog, Auricle looks really good! It looks like you got a lot of great books!!
    (New Follower)
    I also checked out the redesign you did for Sucked Into Books and it is really pretty!

    Have a great Sunday!

  57. Perception looks good!!!! I can't wait to read it!!!! My IMM is

  58. Awww, what are you talking about, Lea? I couldn't notice your fatigue at all -- you sounded and looked great! <3 And your mailbox looks SO GOOD too!! You're so lucky that you have Perception! The first one was really fun to read, so I can't wait to get my hands on the second. And Cleopatra's Moon sounds really cool too! :)

    Amazing mailbox this week, Lea! I hope you enjoy every single book you got and have an awesome day!

  59. Great IMM. I have been eyeing up Cleopatra's Moon but I can never decide yes or no lol. I would love to her what you think of it!! Thanks for stopping by my IMM and I can't wait to see what you get next week!!

    Tiff @ Escaping... One Book @ a Time

  60. Yayyyy you got PERCEPTION!! I hope you loovvee it as much as I did :D That was such a good read!

    My IMM

  61. Perception! So jealous. Thanks for sharing your IMM!

  62. Books are hard to move, but that's not going to stop you! LOL :D
    Great IMM collection! Thanks for visiting.

    MY IMM

  63. I think you'll love Perfect Chemistry (I'm biased, tho, I'm a huge fan of the series!) I'll have to check out the others...

    Your site is gorgeous! I'm going to need a makeover soon b/c frankly, I had no clue what I was doing!!! Thanks for visiting! I'm a new follower. Have a great week!!

    Kristin @myparahangover

  64. ooh, enjoy Perfect Chemistry! and In Honor looks SO amazing, right?

    thanks for stopping by, and happy reading!

  65. I love Simone Elkeles books! And who doesn't adore the Fuentes brothers? :) OOOOOH AND YOU GOT AURACLE! JEALOUS! So excited for that. And In Honor looks great too. So many fantastic books, I hope you enjoy them!

  66. Cleopatra's Moon looks really good :)

  67. You got some great books this week.That is cool about the cook book about the Titanic.Thank you for calling me cute!You seem nice.You share good books on your Book Blog.The photo next to the words of you looks nice.Whats your name?P.S. write back.Also the book that i saw on your book blog that i liked the most was, In Honor.Have a great weekend and also your book blog is very nice.GOOD,BYE!!

  68. Awesome books this week!! Perception sounds great and I can't wait to see you review for it :)

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog Lea :)

  69. Hey, great haul! I hope you like all your books. And you're right moving books is not fun!

    You've got a lovely blog- I'm a new follower!

  70. I want to read both Clarity and Perception :)

  71. Thanks for visiting me. Your blog is gorgeous and your video is great.

    I can't help on the pronunciation of "Elkeles", but the Irish name "Siobhan" is pronounced Shuh-vaun. Weird huh? I think they just add loads of letters in that you don't pronounce just to confuse people.

    I look forward to watching more of your videos! Have a great week!

    Lynsey @ Urban Fantasy Book Reviews

  72. Awesome mailbox week for you! You got Perfect Chemistry!!! I love the series, I recently read the last book and I was really sad that it already ended there but I'm also happy for the series. I think everybody needs to read a book by Simone, she is practically a goddess for me. You have quite a few ARCs there!

    Happy Reading!

    Jay @ We Fancy Books

  73. I'd love to read Perfect Chemistry...great haul and have fun reading! Thanks for stopping by!

  74. Oh, you got In Honor! So lucky, enjoy! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  75. Enjoy all your new books! I haven't read any of your new books, but I've heard of them. Happy reading!

  76. Great books! Everyone is raving about Perfect Chemistry so it sounds that that one should definitely be a winner.

    Hope the move went well!


  77. Awesome haul! I have Clarity on my TBR list, but I agree with you - there's something about that cover that I just don't like...

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! ;)

  78. Auracle is definitely on my wish list already! Perception looks good and I haven't read anything by Kim Harrison before [i know i really need to LOL], Cleopatra's Moon sounds interesting too! You got a lot of great ones this week! I hope you enjoy them all when you read them, thanks for dropping by my blog!

    Have a fantastic week :)

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  79. Ooh In Honor! I really want to read that book. :)
    Happy reading!

  80. I've been wanting to read the Perfect Chemistry books for a long time. Also, I've seen the Clarity book two around all over the place, but I don't remember the first book...I need to check on that. So nice of your blogger friend to pass along books to you when she/he decided to stop blogging. AND Cleopatra's Moon looks great. I love those types of books and what a great gift! Great stack. ;)

  81. I've read Cleopatra's Moon and I thought it was an interesting read. I felt it was a bit long though.

  82. I've heard so many wonderful things about Perfect Chemistry but haven't had a chance to read it yet. Maybe I will soon. Enjoy all of your new goodies.

  83. I heard Perfect Chemistry is a great book! Great haul you have there :) Hope you enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by *new follower*.


  84. Oohh Perfect Chemistry. I just read that from the library and it's really cute. I can't believe you got Auracle!! WOW great haul and I love the new design *thumbs up* great job!!!

  85. Oh gosh, moving books is DEFINITELY not fun. I lost half of the books I owned moving from one apartment to the other. :-(

    Looks like you got some good ones though!

    Thank you for stopping by. :-) I love your blog header!

    Tara @ Shhh... Not While I'm Reading

  86. What a great mailbox! I can't wait to get my hands on Perfect Chemistry as well! Enjoy all your books and thanks for stopping by!

  87. Auracle sounds so freaking good!! I can't wait to get my hands on it. I so hope it's as good as it seems! Hope you enjoy all your new reads! Thanks for stopping by:)


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