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Saturday, February 25, 2012

In My Mailbox! (15)

Another week has come and gone, but with it are some awesome new books to add to my ever-growing TBR pile!
~Quick Week In Review~

~The IMM Vlog~
Here is what I got this week!

~Goodreads Links~

Belles by Jen Calonita
Fever by Lauren DeStefano
The Pledge by Kimberley Derting
Shatter Me by Tehereh Mafi

What did you get in your mailbox this week???


  1. Yay for Shatter Me and The Pledge! I'd love to read those two :) I'll go and check out Belles too.

    My IMM

    Happy reading, LC! :)
    Books, Biscuits, and Tea

  2. I also got Fever as well. Great selection of books. Shatter Me was excellent.


  3. Fever found itself in my mailbox this week as well- a long with a few others. It's really good. I hope you like it. I am super curious about Belles now-I think I'm going to add it to my TBR.

    ~Happy Reading!

  4. I cant wait to read Fever!!! I've heard great things! Enjoy!

  5. I can't wait for Belles and Fever. Hope you enjoy them all!

    Ange @ the Moonlight Reader
    My IMM

  6. I haven't heard about The Pledge and Belles, they both sound like really good reads! Enjoy!

    Here's my IMM :)

  7. Belles sounds so good. Can't wait to read your review. Happy reading!

  8. Nice! Haven't read any of these but hope you enjoy em all!!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  9. Belles sounds really interesting -- can't wait for your review! I have Shatter Me and The Pledge on hold at the library, but they're still in processing... could be a while!

  10. I haven't got to read Shatter Me yet but I have only heard amazing things about it. Belles sounds really good and I hadn't heard of it before your IMM so I need to check it out. Great haul this week and happy reading!
    You can check out my IMM here
    Dreaming In The Pages Enter My Giveaway

  11. Awesome mailbox! :D Fever, The Pledge and Shatter Me are all amazing! I loved them all so so so much :) Hope you enjoy everything that you got. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  12. I've read some miced reviews about the pledge and I really need to read the others. I hope you'll enjoy them all!

    My IMM

  13. You never have a slow week!
    Great selection of books you got there.

    MY IMM

  14. Wonderful bunch of books you got last week.
    I've never really paid lots of attention to BELLES, but it sounds really good. Thanks for sharing! I'm also planning to read THE PLEDGE and THE CHEMICAL GARDEN TRILOGY hopefully soon. :) SHATTER ME is really awesome, so I hope you'll enjoy it too!

    Have a lovely week,

  15. Nice haul. I plan on trying a Lauren DeStefano book soon. Enjoy!

    My IMM

  16. For some reason, I could have sworn I saw BELLES at a bookstore a couple of months ago...unless it's re-releasing in paperback or I'm thinking of another book with that title and color combo. *muses* I just don't know!!! FEVER!!!!!1 I was SO excited when my copy arrived in the mail. I've been waiting a long time, too. I've been wishy-washy over the cover, too, yes--she looks so drugged-out! I hear it really works with a scene in this book! I loved THE PLEDGE so, so much. A lot of people grumbled and didn't love it compared to other dystopians. I've also heard that people didn't get into it because it has a fantasy spin with kingdoms and royalty and stuff. To me, that made it better. I thought it was one of my top five dystopians, personally!!! I still need to read SHATTER ME, too, ahh! I was so excited and then...I've heard stuff, and it keeps slipping down the list now. I'll be anxious for your review!

    1. I THINK Belles is a new book so it might have been something else you saw ;)

      I am reading Fever right now-- my plan is to finish it tonight.

      If there are kingdoms and royalty and anything fantasy-ish I am ALL about it! Those are my favorite kinds of stories so I think I will be liking The Pledge too! :D

  17. Shatter Me is amazing. I hope you enjoy it. Fever...while the cover may seem a little off, it's less strange when you read the book. It totally fits.

    Great mailbox this week and hopefully you enjoy them!

  18. I LOVED Shatter Me, looking forward to your review! I also really want to to read Fever and The Pledge - hopefully I can read them soon! Happy reading! :)

    My IMM

  19. Looks like you had a great week! Belles sounds really interesting; I'm going to keep an eye out for that one. I haven't had the chance to read Fever yet but I've seen it everywhere :)

    Thanks for checking out my IMM this week!

  20. Wow you have some great sounding books! I love the cover of Belles! It sounds like a really great book, I can't wait to see your review of it.

  21. Great books! Really jealous of Fever! Enjoy all of your goodies :D

  22. Great books, Belles sounds interesting.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    New Linky follower

  23. Belles sounds very interesting, and I really want to read The Pledge. Thanks for stopping by. Happy Reading!

  24. Great In my Mailbox! ;D From all these books, I've read Shatter Me, only...

    Hope you enjoy them all!

    Beatriz =D

  25. (I can't watch vlogs because my speakers don't work, so sorry!)

    I can't wait to read Fever. I LOVED Wither. Loved it. Very beautiful and tragic, and I hope you like Shatter Me and The Pledge!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'm a new follower. :)

    Ashelynn @ Gypsy Book Reviews.

  26. Belles: I have an odd obsession with books placed in the south. I love them but it is really hard for me to find them. Or at least ones set in this century and not overly stereotypical.

    Shatter Me: I really want to read this book but I have so many books that I am behind on in my to be read pile that I don't know when I will be able to get to it.

    IMM 11

  27. i got fever this week, too! and i still have not read shatter me but i did run into teheri mafi this weekend at the breathless reads tour and gushed over her kate spade bag. great week. enjoy!

  28. Happy Reading! Thanks for visiting my IMM!

  29. Great mailbox! Thanks for the comment! I really wish I can get my hands on Fever soon.. Happy reading!!

    ~ Vivian
    New Linky Follower :)

  30. I'm so jealous of Fever!! I have it on hold at my library, but I don't think I'll get it for a while :[
    Happy reading!

  31. I won a signed ARC of Fever and absolutely adored it! I think Fever was even better then Wither. I can't wait to hear what you think of Shatter Me, it has recieved so many good reviews that I have got to read it soon!

    My IMM

    (New Follower!)

  32. I have all four of these books to read as well! I look forward to your reviews! Happy reading! :)

  33. The Pledge was awesome and I'm jealous you got Shatter Me. It's been on my list forever but since I've been on a book buying ban, haven't had the pleasure of getting it yet! Enjoy!!

  34. Great IMM! The Pledge and Shatter Me are books that I am seriously pining for. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by my IMM! =)

    -Shanon @ Escaping With Fiction

  35. I've read Shatter Me and The Pledge. :) I hope you enjoy them. *is jealous of the Fever book*

  36. Wooow amazing books!! :) :) You've got Fever <3 And Shatter me too :) :) Great mailbox! Enjoy them all ;)

  37. Great books! I recently read both Wither and Fever, and I can't wait to read Shatter Me and Belles! Hope you enjoy all of them! Happy reading!

    New follower :)

  38. At some point I know I'm going to break down and buy Shatter Me and Fever. I have Wither, but have yet to read it. I tend to buy them all and then read it!! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  39. Nice haul! I've got a Shatter Me ARC instead of a final copy (I think I need to pick one up soon), but I love how shiny and reflective both the ARC and final copies are. My weakness for shiny things shows!

  40. Great IMM. :) Belles is one that I am really looking forward to. Can't wait to see what you think of it. Hope you enjoy all of the books you got this week.

    Here is mine: IMM (14)

  41. Thanks for stopping by my blog. So jealous you got Belles! I can't wait to read that! Have a good week.

    Sara @ upon a love story

  42. Shatter Me IS AWESOME. I have a feeling you will totally LOVE it :-)
    The other ones I have not read, but I totally want to.

  43. Oh God, I am dying to read Shatter Me! The rest of the books are pretty awesome, too!

    Here's my IMM

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  44. Oh lots of dystopia this month! Enjoy :)

  45. Really looking forward to SHATTER ME...I love your blog!

  46. i haven't heard of belles, i'll have to check it out!

  47. Yea, you got Fever! Can't wait to read that one! Enjoy!

  48. Ah, I'm so jealous of Shatter Me & Fever!!! I hope you enjoy them all though :)
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  49. Ooh yay for Shatter Me!! I need to get myself a hardcover version of that :)

    Michele | IMM | Embrace Giveaway

  50. Oooo! I <3'd Shatter Me!! Great pick! I would love to read The Pledge and Fever (after I read Wither :P)

    Nice books this week!

    Happy Reading!

  51. The Pledge, Fever and Shatter me are all on my "Need to obtain and read" list! Lol. Great Imm! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  52. I've only read Fever and it was awesome but will be picking up Shatter Me soon since the author will be doing a signing in my city. Hope you enjoy your books!

  53. Shatter Me was pretty good. I haven't heard of Belles - I'll have to check it out. Enjoy your books!

  54. Belles looks good, and the cover is simple but nice.
    I can't decide whether I want to pick up Shatter Me. I like the concept and the cover, but the reviews I've read have been so mixed that I don't know whether I want to fork out the money for it. It may be a library get one of these days...
    Same with The Pledge, actually.

    Happy reading!

  55. I will check it out that book! have a nice day..

  56. Can't wait to start Shatter Me
    My IMM here

  57. Awesome books! I loved Shatter Me. I'm going to be reading Belles for an arc tour, can't wait! I can't wait to see what you think of it! Enjoy!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  58. I may have gotten The Wicked and the Just off NetGalley...but YOU HAVE FEVER!!!!!! Great IMM!

    Thanks for visiting my IMM :)

  59. Oh Shatter Me! Absolutely amazing!! Belles sounds really interesting as well! Great books! Happy reading this week!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  60. Great mailbox! I loved Shatter Me, The Pledge, and Fever. Belles sounds really good as well! I hope you enjoy all of your books!

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

  61. OMG Shatter Me was amazing! Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by!

  62. Ooh, skimmin' some cream off the top of great books to read!!! :-) Nice!!

    Shatter Me & The Pledge are in my back-up GREAT pile just in case I get bogged down. Reviews on 'em are so great. Just thinking about them makes me want to grab one. Now!!


    Thx for stopping by my Sunday!

  63. Great books! I wasn't too keen on The Pledge! Hope you like it better!

  64. Hi! thank U for visit mi blog, I hope you enjoy your books too. They aren't in my country yet 'cuz i'm from Chile but Fever and Belles looks Amazing! I follow your blog bye :D

  65. I'm excited to see what you think of Belles!! It looks like a good one, but I haven't heard much yet!

  66. Loved Shatter Me. Belles looks really good. I haven't read The Pledge but it's on my list =) Thanks for stopping by the blog <3
    Shellie @ Creative Reads

  67. I have Shatter Me, but I keep hesitating to read it. I still have to read Wither as well. So much to catch up on! Enjoy your books.

  68. OMG -- you are one of my favourite bloggers and I am so touched that you stopped by my blog to comment on my IMM! No, sadly, I am not artistically talented enough to design my own artwork =( Thank you so very much for the compliment though; it means a lot!

  69. Great haul! Thank you for sharing and for stopping by! New Follower :)

  70. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    All those books sound great. I'm planning to read the Chemical Garden books someday soon!

  71. Looks like a good collection this week, I hope you enjoy them. :)

  72. I really liked Shatter Me! The Pledge is on my to-read, so I hope it's good!

    Happy reading! :D

    Angie @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  73. Ooh I really enjoyed Belles it's a fun book! Well Shatter Me as well! :D Great haul Lea! <3

    Xpresso Reads

  74. Hi Lea,

    Thanks for dropping by my IMM. This is my first time to your blog, your design is beautiful. I hope you enjoy the books you got this week. I especially enjoyed Shatter! :)

  75. Great haul! You'll fall head over heals for Shatter Me=D Happy reading!

    Fara @ Tumbling In Books

  76. I can't wait to see what you think of Belles, that's one I've been looking forward to for a while. I just love the idea of southern belle stories. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading! :)

  77. I got Fever a few weeks ago! I keep forgetting to put it in my IMM! So glad I found your blog, I'm a new follower!

  78. Hey Lea! Thanks so much for the comment on our blog! I'm looking forward to getting Shatter Me, I've heard good things!

  79. You know, I've checked out The Pledge from the library like 5 times. I even put a hold on it before it came out. And I still haven't read it! It's currently sitting in my car with the library receipt in it and everything. ;p

  80. Some really great books there. I have most of them on my wishlist, so I'm looking forward to getting my hands on them one day. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on My IMM

    Jenny - Chocolate Chunky Munkie

  81. Thanks for your comment on my IMM! And I can give you an answer on your quistion :D I really think that city of glass is the best in the TMI series. I hope you would enjoy this book. And your IMM looks fantastic!


  82. I have been wanting to read The Pledge. It sounds awesome! I really like the cover of Belles and it sounds cute.

  83. Books look good. Thanks for visiting.

  84. Enjoy your new books. Shatter Me wasn't a favorite of mine, I didn't enjoy the style. Thanks for visiting. Happy reading!

  85. I loved Shatter Me! Really hope you enjoy it, it was one of my favourites of 2011! The Pledge was pretty good too, and I can't wait to read Fever! Happy reading :).

  86. Thanks for stopping by The Book Bag! Great vlog and great books this week. Loved Shatter Me! Can't wait to read The Pledge.

  87. Can't wait to see what you say about Fever and Shatter Me! I got an ARC of Fever that I reviewed and liked, but I had some strong opinions about Shatter Me. I know you're good for strong opinions, so color me curious! I'll be back!

  88. Ooooh....I hadn't heard of Belles, but it sounds potentially wonderful. Excited to hear more about it! The covers of The Chemical Garden series have really turned me off in general to be honest, though I know many love them. That's one of those series that I may pick up eventually, but probably not until it's all released.

  89. The Belles looks great! Shatter Me is a good book too,

    Hope you enjoy them all, Lea! :D

  90. I *need* to read Fever, aaaahhhh! I've just recently read Wither and I'm in the middle of recommending it to my friends rn. ;D

    Thanks for stopping by, new follower here!

    Agnieszka @ Nook of Books

  91. I only have one of these books, but they all sound awesome! Hope you enjoy them!

  92. I've been stalking Shatter Me for a long time now - I have to get me that one!

    Happy reading & thanks for stopping by my IMM :-D

  93. Wow! Great week.s I've been wanting Shatter Me for forever, but the other two sound great as well.

    My IMM

    Happy reading!

    ~Danica Page
    Taking It One Page at a Time

  94. I've been wanting to read The Pledge for ages. Shatter Me and Fever are so great. I feel like I *should want* to read Belles since it is set where I'm from, but it just isn't capturing me like I think it should. Perhaps I should wait and see what you think of it??? ;)

    Great books. I really hope you enjoy them. Have a lovely week.

  95. Oooh great mailbox this week! I'm trying to think if I've heard of Belles or not.. I'll have too look into it, looks intriguing! All the rest are definitely on my TBR/wish list! :D The Pledge and Shatter Me are the ones I want to read ASAP :D

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog :D

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  96. Belles sounds really good! It's cute how the title kind of has a double meaning.

  97. Call me LAME but I'm waiting for Shatter Me to come out in paperback - These hardcovers are killing me and my 'lil library doesn't have a lot of books I want :( I know what you mean about having a light load on the new books! I did the TBR Reading Challenge to help with that problem but I seem to buy more than I read!!

    Your vlog is one of the best I've seen around! Awesome job! My 5yr old says it's the "best ever!", if his opinion matters ;) Thanks for visiting me! I'm always late getting around but at least it's a unique visitor, right???

    Kristin @myparahangover

  98. OOO i want to read Fever and The Pledge is an excellent book. Kimberly was coming to Portland so I bought it to try and loved i'm waiting for her re-scheduled visit due to snow. You will love it!

  99. Awesome IMM this week! I love the covers to the Chemical Gardens books as they manage to be beautiful and eye catching. But at the same time they show so much of what the books are about! I think that a good cover is one that tells the reader a little bit about the book :) Happy reading!!!

  100. Yay for Shatter Me. Such an amazing book!

  101. Great IMM!! Loved Shatter Me!! I want to read Fever, and The Pledge! I have not heard of Belles before, but it sounds really good! Thanks for sharing and for stopping by!!

  102. Great IMM! I'm very jealous! I haven't heard of the first book, I'll have to check it out and I haven't read The Pledge, Fever, or Shatter Me yet unforunately! I still need to read Wither...

  103. Great IMM, the last three books are on my 'to be read' list.
    Kat @ YA's the Word

  104. I enjoyed the pledge and loved fever, hope you do too.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  105. I'm super excited to read Shatter Me, since it will be released within a few weeks in my country (Brazil *-*)and I loved your IMM vlog, I'll visit here whenever you can!

    Talita Ackles | @PunkReader

  106. Oh, Fever? The Pledge? Shatter Me? I've read the 2nd 2, and I requested Fever from the library, but The Pledge and Shatter Me were absolutely amazing! I can't wait for Unravel Me and The Essence!!!! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

  107. Shatter Me looks fantastic! (Btw, I love your blog design (:)

  108. I hope i won't get Fever but i think the book is good :D


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