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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (13)


For those who don't know, Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly book meme where we get to let everyone know about what books we are eagerly anticipating the release of. WoW is hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine. Want to participate? Follow the link, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link on her blog!

OK, so I absolutely LOVE Anna Godbersen, and have already read all four books in her Luxe series. I also read Bright Young Things, which is the first in a new series that centers around a group of girls living in the Roaring Twenties-- the next installment of this will be coming out later this year, and I am pretty psyched! Here are the details for Beautiful Days, second in the Bright Young Things series:

Author: Anna Godbersen
Release date: September 20, 2011
Pages: 416
Summary: In this must-have sequel to Bright Young Things, Cordelia and Letty are small-town girls no longer. Letty is ready at last to chase her Broadway dreams. Cordelia thought she lost her true love, but a chance meeting will change her fortune— and her future. The unflappable flapper Astrid Donal has promised herself to Charlie Grey, Cordelia’s half-brother, but isn’t sure their love is true enough to survive. And a bitter rivalry will ensnare them all in a dangerous feud played out in the speakeasies of Manhattan and on the great lawns of Long Island. As these bright young things live out their beautiful days in the summer of 1929, they find romance and heartbreak, adventure and intrigue, new friends and unexpected rivals.

I just love the drama, the gossip, the opulence, the wreckless lifestyles and memorable characters portrayed in these books! I'm sure that Beautiful Days will be yet another great read from Anna Godbersen-- definitely looking forward to it!

So... what are you waiting for this week??


  1. Great choice! I haven't read the first book in this series but I did love the Luxe series by Anna Godbersen.
    Ange @ Moonlight Reader

    My WoW:

  2. What an intriguing period of history this book is set against! And it looks like it could be deliciously melodramatic! :)

    What am I waiting on?

  3. A great choice!

    My WoW,

    Have a nice week.

    PS. You have a beautiful blog!

  4. I read VIXEN which is set in the same time period. Haven't gotten to this one yet. Good choice.

  5. Ok, first of all, I LOVE your blog. there, I said it xD It's really cute! And the book you chose looks great too, I've heard of them so I'm gonna have to look for them, thanks for sharing! And, yes, I'm a new follower!
    This is my Waiting on Wednesday.

    And BTW, I have two international giveaways going on right now so feel free to pass by and enter :D


  6. I can't believe I haven't started this series yet. Definitely need to get a copy of Bright Young Things soon.
    Thaks for sharing! :)


  7. This is awful, but The Luxe has been in my TBR pile since it first came out. It looks so pretty on my shelf...

    Here are my WOW picks.

    Wit and Sin

  8. Hi. New follower. Nice blog! I like the pick. I am going to look into this series.
    My WoW;

  9. I only have read the first book in the Luxe series, so I really need to finish that series before I can start with this one. But this cover looks great and I love the sound of it. So gerat pick.

  10. I just picked up Bright Young Things at the library! I'll be reading it soon :) I know how much you loved the LUXE and this series so I just had to try it out. LOL

    ♥ Trish
    Just a YA Girl

  11. oooh I think this one is interesting, like what youve said loved the gossips or scandals and stuff. by the way found you thru a anothers page. Im also a follower and loving your blog
    care to check out mine?

  12. Sounds very interesting! AND the cover is gorgeous! Love it.

    I also love the new look, very summery!

    Rebecca at Kindle Fever

  13. I want to read the Luxe series because the setting intrigues me so much--good pick!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I added Bright Young Things to Goodreads and I can't wait to read it! :)
    Here is my WoW:
    Have a wonderful day!

  16. Haven't read Bright Young Things yet, but I love her Luxe series! Love the cover for this one, too. Great pick. :)

  17. I love Ana Godbersen but I still haven't read her new series yet! They look so good and I love historical fiction! Great choice :) Here's my WOW:

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  18. Very cool!

    Here is my WOW :)

    Side note: Doesn't the model remind you of Temperance from the TV show Bones?

  19. Good pick! I wasn't blown away by the first book in the series, but I did enjoy it overall. I love the covers!

    Check out my WoW for this week!

  20. Sounds good, enjoy!

  21. Bright Young Things is one of the next books I'll be reading! :D I really think it'll be something I'l like

    My WOW post for this week:

    Hope you're having a great day! :)


  22. I want this one too! It's taking so long to come out!

  23. Adore your blog design especially the header (cupcakes!). I'm a big fan of Anna Godberson's books and likewise can't wait for this.


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