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Monday, April 16, 2012

Breathless Reads Live Author Chat!

Hey guys, so I just wanted to quickly tell you about the totally awesomesauce author chat I joined in on tonight with the lovely lady authors of the Breathless Reads Tour-- Beth Revis, Marie Lu, Jessica Spotswood, and Andrea Cremer!

I've never participated in a live author chat before-- in fact I've never even used Spreecast or Skype or anything like that, so this was a completely new experience for me! But as I was tweeting away earlier this evening, I kept seeing Marie and Beth mentioning the live chat, and I thought it sounded pretty cool so I joined in!

And OMGosh seriously guys?!? If you haven't been to a live online author chat yet you SO should because it was tons of fun, and also so insightful! I had a blast listening to all four of these lovely and talented ladies talk, and they even answered one of my questions! How flipping cool is that?!? I was SO not expecting to get to chat with Beth Revis and Andrea Cremer when I got online tonight, I can tell you that LOL :P

So here are some things I picked up from joining in on the Breathless Reads Author Chat:
  • Beth Revis is freaking HILARIOUS. I seriously wish I knew this chick! She would be so much fun to hang out with :)
  • Jessica Spotswood is the cutest thing ever, she's just so bright and bubbly-- I can't believe I'm even admitting this, but I didn't have Born Wicked on my TBR list until tonight when I marched straight over to Goodreads to add it! Love her! :D
  • Marie Lu revealed that her second book in the Legend series is officially going to be called -- wait for it.... PRODIGY!! Sweetness!!
  • Beth wrote TEN-- count that TEN-- practice novels before she sold Across the Universe to a publisher!! This was just-- so crazy to me, but let me tell you, it inspired my socks off too. I am unfortunately a major perfectionist, and I get really frustrated and hard on myself when I don't succeed the very FIRST time, so to hear someone as amazingly talented and successful as Beth Revis say that she had to first try and fail TEN TIMES before getting it right, well that is something I am going to remember from now on-- thank you Beth!
So that was what I was up to tonight! If you guys want to watch the full live chat from Spreecast and listen to Beth, Maria, Jessica and Andrea answer all the questions we threw at them, check it out HERE :D

Aaaand I HOPE you have each and every one of these books on your TBR lists!! I know I'll be bumping all of these UP on mine!! ;)

Happy Reading Everyone!!


  1. Very cool, Lea! I had no idea that was going on, otherwise I would have joined in :) I've only read Born Wicked (which was fabulous) out of all of these (what I'm assuming- are awesome) books. Learning that it took Beth 10 tries, really does inspire me! I'm glad she finally made it. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yikes, I haven't read any of them yet, even though I've been wanting to forever-- I did just add Born Wicked, getting to chat with these amazing authors has made me want to move all their books up to the top of my list!! :D

  2. I saw it all over Twitter, but didn't think about joining. Ooops! Wish I would have. Were you on cam too? I would have loved to be on the chat, but not be on cam, lol.

    And wow, TEN tries?! That inspires me a bit more too! I've been working on my newshiny project!

    I adore the Nightshade series, but haven't had the chance to read Across the Universe, Legend or Born Wicked. They are on my list, though! I'm still debating on Legend. Maybe I should definitely add it to my list now. =)

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I KNOW isn't that crazy?! I can't imagine writing TEN books and having them all rejected, I think I'd cry and give up after just one lol -- definitely inspirational to know though, to not give up! :)

      I've borrowed Nightshade from the library like 3 separate times now and have not started it-- I swear I'm going to VERY soon!! :)

    2. Oh and also, no we weren't on camera, only they were, but you could do instant chat to ask them direct questions, and there was a chat box below their screen to talk with all the participants and the authors :)

  3. I was just shutting my computer off when I saw Beth Revis' link so I sat and watched, however it was midnight to 1 that it was on in my timezone and I have to confess I fell asleep about 40 minutes in. :/
    What I saw was very good though and I agree Beth is so cool, think she would be fab to hang out with.
    I've definitely added their books to my pile.


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