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Saturday, April 28, 2012

LC's Book Haul!

Hey everyone!! So as you may know, I'm no longer doing In My Mailbox, but will instead be showing my books through a weekly book haul-- for more on my reasons for making this decision, please refer HERE

Also, I'm sorry for this week's video being so grainy and choppy-- I was experimenting with filming on my phone and I was super-tired when I was doing this so... yeeah, hope it's not too confusing!

Here is what I got in this week!

~Goodreads Links~

Belles by Jen Calonita
Revamped by Ada Adams
Envy by Anna Godbersen (which is actually the 3rd book in the Luxe series, not the 2nd like I say in the video-- see I really was tired lol...)
Eragon by Christopher Paolini

Happy Reading Everyone!!


  1. Awesome books this week!! I also received Belles from the library and I can't wait to read it :D

    Happy reading and check out what I got this week :)

  2. I got Revamped last week and can't wait to read it. I love the cover! I hope you enjoy your books!! :)

  3. I've heard so many good things about Belles so I can't wait to get my hands on it! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week =) Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  4. Awesome books Leah. You always have some beautiful designs (Yes. I've been to your design site.) Plus the videos are always fun. Started a new meme as an alternative to IMM after the whole TSS scandal.


  5. Great haul, I want to read Belles and I love the cover.
    My IMM

  6. I'm in the middle of reading ReVamped right now, and so far so really good! Belles sounds like a good read too, I'll have to keep an eye out for it!
    Enjoy your newbies!

    Here's what I got this week:

  7. I'm incredibly jealous of Belle's and Envy! Both are high on my "Oh my gosh, I need that book!" list!!

    Stop by and see my Book Haul!

  8. Belles sounds amazing and I'm dying to read ReVamped! Awesome book haul this week :)

    Stop by My Book Haul?

  9. The covers for Belles, Revamped, and Envy are all so gorgeous. I really want to read them all and can't believe I haven't read the Luxe series yet *hangs head in shame* lol. I need to get on that. Thanks for sharing and great haul :)

  10. Great haul.

    I'm excited about Belles. She's coming to a signing near here, so I'm excited to go meet her.

    Laura @ The Traveling Owl

  11. Great books this week! I'm looking forward to reading ReVamped, the cover is amazing! ^-^ I hope you enjoy reading them :)

    Here's My Haul

  12. Belles is on my wishlist and I look forward to your thoughts on it. Envy sounds good too..enjoy all your lovelies. You can read my news on The Sunday Post

  13. I freaking loved Belles. I'm doing a Q&A w/Jen this week and I'm hoping she'll answer my plea for a teaser from book two. I'm also going to her book signing on Wed. *fist pump* The finished copy is so gorgeous!
    Enjoy all the books!

  14. Great haul! I'm looking forward to what you say about all of them. Specially, Revamped and Eragon.

    Happy reading! :)

  15. You are very lucky! Also, I'm currently reading the last of the Inheritance Cycle (Eragon books) and I think if you are as into Lord of the Rings as you say you are, then it is definitely a book you could enjoy. Just be braced for the 3rd and 4th book because they are literally HUGE!

  16. Belles!!! I'm really excited about that one. Everyone seems to love it so I hope it's going to be good :) Nice haul!

    Here's my haul for this week.

    Vicky (:
    Books, Biscuits, and Tea

  17. I think I am possibly one of the last few people on earth to read Eragon. I have watched the movie but never picked up the books. I have not heard of your other books so I will have to check them out :D

    Check out what I got this week

  18. Great books this week! I wasn't sure I wanted to read Belles, but after hearing your talk about it, I think I will have to pick it up sometime soon!

    Here's what I got this week!

  19. Oh some nice books, I hope you'll enjoy them all. happy reading!

    here is mine

  20. I'm desperate to get my hands on Belles! That one looks really good! Revamped looks good too- I'll have to add it to my TBR list!

    Here's my post ~ My Week in Books!

    Happy reading!

    Megan @ The Girly Bookworm

  21. Read Eragon and ReVamped. Eragon has some confusing parts, but it's really good. ReVamped was good too. :D

  22. It's been far too long since I last read Eragon - I think you'll love it!
    And I really need to get my hands on a copy of Revamped - it looks so good (and so pretty!)

    Check out my book haul for this week HERE

    Great haul!
    Dani :)

  23. Oh, and great haul. :D
    Here's mine:

  24. OOoh nice! Seeing a lot of these books around lately! Hope you enjoy all of them!

    Here's my Stacking the Shelves

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  25. Hi! Envy is the third book in the Luxe series and I have just finished reading it. It is unbelievably good! I absolutely loved it too and I can't wait to read spendor! Great book haul!

  26. Belles and Revamped! Two books I've definitely been watching to determine whether I should read them. Great haul!

    My IMM

  27. It sounds like I really should read Belles. I have it on my TBR shelf and I am thinking I might have to bump it up a bit. Great week in books for you!

  28. Ooo, a signed copy of Belles! I just love Jen Calonita... she really is a sweetheart! Enjoy all the great books this week!

    Here is this week's Mailbox Post

    Also, don't forget to enter the AWESOME giveaway (ends today)

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  29. New follower here! I've been watching your youtube video's for a few weeks now so excited to start reading your blog too! Hope to pay lots of visits in the future, hope you enjoy your new books!

  30. OOH, BELLES. It was such a cute, sweet book. Enjoy, Lea!

  31. I've been seeing BELLES around a lot and it looks great!

    Check out the books and makeup I got this week on Books & Beauty.

  32. I've wanted to read Eragon forever! Can' wait to see what you think.

    I just read the 1st book of the Hunger Games this week for the 1st time...I know, I live under a rock :)

    Check out what I got this week in Books and Beauty

  33. Amamzing books! I just added Belles to my TBR because it sounds so good! And I totally agree about the LOTR series! Love the movies and the books so much! Enjoy! :)

    You can check out my books Here!!

  34. Eragon was pretty good. I kind of fell off with reading them when I graduated high school, but I plan to pick up the 3rd & 4th book in the series soon.

  35. I LOVE high fantasy too! I LOVE the The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Poalini - it's actually one of the books that got me to love reading so much in the first place! Hope you enjoy all your books and happy reading! :)

    My Haul

  36. I've had Eragon sitting on my shelves FOREVER! I look forward to reading your thoughts on it when you're done!

    Here's my "book haul" :

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I hope you like Eragon more than I liked it. But I'm not much of a fantasy fan, but since you are, you'll probably really like it.

    Here are the books I got this week:

  39. I keep seeing Belles on blogs and Goodreads, I'll have to check it out! I like your new book haul feature, Lea ;)

  40. I just posted my review of Revamped. It's a great book. Envy and Belle's both look really good. I'll have to check them out further.

    My Weekly Wrap Up

  41. I NEED to read Eragon. My mom has read the series and loves it. BTW - Not to be super creep, but you are absolutely gorgeous! I hate you a little bit. J/K. Keep on rocking those vlogs, girl. They're great!

  42. Gah, girl, you are GORGEOUS! Holy wow <3 !! Very much looking forward to Belle's :) have heard nothing but great things about it!!

  43. wonderful books! I love Jen's books! i hope you enjoy belles!

  44. Ouuu! Revamped looks so good!! And I love the cover!! I need to read it!:)

    I've heard so many great things about Eragon. One of my best friends was obsessed with the series when it first came out! Should be a good read! :)

    My book haul is here!

    Happy Reading!


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