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Friday, April 13, 2012

Cover Reveal! Darkness Comes This Way

Hello to all my lovely readers! Today I am so excited to give you the cover reveal to Darkness Comes This Way, the first action-packed book in a  Paranormal/Urban Fantasy trilogy by debut author, and my good friend, Pixie Lynn Whitfield. I hope you will all add this exciting, fabulous debut novel to your To-Be-Read lists! Check out the details below, and there is also a link to Goodreads :)

Author: Pixie Lynn Whitfield
Series: The Guardians of the Night #1
Release Date: June 1, 2012
Pages: 392
Summary: Zarah Duncan is a Guardian. It’s an elite job that protects humans and untainted vampires from the real monsters: those lost to the bloodlust. They’re called Rogues, and they infest the city. Missing humans, unsolved cases… Zarah knows what the real cause is. And she’s been trained since childhood to destroy them. But she has a haunting past that catches up one day. Zarah was Rogue once, and until her, no one else has ever been cured from the poisoned state of mind before. She’s been labeled a miracle, and the mystery only builds. She gets the awful feeling there’s more to it than just a lucky magical come-back. There are deep, dark secrets being kept. Maybe her boss Nathanial knows something?  When she gets paired with a partner, Draven Kinsley, it only adds more difficulty. He hates her and swears that with a single look, she’ll poison him. To make matters worse, her Rogue brother has to show up, and he brings with him a shocking announcement. What Zarah learns from him rocks her entire world upside down. She not only begins to question who and what she is anymore-- it can possibly change the Vampire race forever.
The scary part: someone else knows too…and they’ll do anything to get her special blood, spelling disaster for the humans that Guardians have secretly been protecting for decades.

Vampires, fallen angels, war, betrayal, and romance fill this Paranormal/Urban Fantasy debut, the first book to a high-action trilogy.

Ooooh.... sounds intriguing, doesn't it? And what do you think of that cover? I just love how dramatic it is, slightly creepy but also very elegant. AND it has a red head on it, so of course I love it LOL :P

Darkness Comes This Way will be available both in print and e-book format in June, from Amazon and Barnes & Noble-- be sure to add it to your lists! :)

About the Author: Pixie Lynn Whitfield uses three names because she likes to be a little extra spunky. Not really. Underneath it all, she’s just a little short geek who loves to always have a nose in a book or learning about history. She’s lived in Texas her entire life, and despite her fear of flying, is determined to visit Ireland one day because it’s where all of her ancestors are from. Her father taught her how to read at the age of four, and it was all over from there. She’d known from that first “I do not like green eggs and ham” line that all she wanted out of life was to be a writer one day too. And when he started telling her ghost stories and true legends about Vlad the Impaler, etc. when she was six, she fell in love with the paranormal.

Pixie writes YA--Paranormal/Urban Fantasy, Dystopian, and some Horror. She used to write news articles, but never liked it much because she had no freedom to write to her heart’s desire.

Outside of writing and reading, she loves all things baseball and tennis, rock music/concerts, and blogging. She adores the book blogging community, having been a part of it herself for over a year now as well. Be sure to drop by her blog--she always enjoys making new friends and following others too!

You can visit Pixie's book blog at The Bookaholic-- stop on over and say "hi!"



  1. This sounds interesting. Definitely adding it to my TBR pile.

  2. THE COVER IS AMAZING! Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Thank you for posting, Lea! :)
    I guess I'm a little partial to red heads myself. ;) LOL.

  4. It looks and sound really intriguing. I will definitely be on the lookout for it in June:)

  5. Love the synopsis and what a pretty cover!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love the cover! I'll read sounds like Vampire Academy and Guild Hunter series combined :)

  7. Ooo, I just saw this! What a beautiful cover!!! >.< It seems so interesting, I'm definitely picking this up :D


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