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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Summer Lovin' Book Tour Giveaway and Guest Post!

Hello my lovelies!! So today as part of the Summer Lovin' Book Tour, I have two AWESOME things going on:

1.) A fabulous GUEST POST with the wonderful author, Karen Schreck

2.) A flipping sweet GIVEAWAY for a copy of her latest YA novel, While He Was Away**

**NOTE: If you haven't heard of this one, be sure to add it to your TBR lists-- because it was freaking amazing!! 

So first thing is first-- here is my guest post with Karen Schreck, where she talks about her love for YA and why it rocks her world!  :)

Why YA Rocks My World

YA is hot.

As in steamy, sultry, blazing, scathing, illuminating, fiery, incendiary, spicy, enlightening, searing, scorching. A wildfire. A prairie burn. An inferno of characters, settings, plots. A refiner’s fire that draws out pure gold.

YA can also be cold.

As in chill, bitter, harsh, blustery, caustic, shivery, biting, hard-edged, cool. A frigid wind that dips below zero. A blizzardy drift of ideas and images. One snowflake never like the next. And once all hell freezes over, than YA can be the sharp-edged ax that breaks through the ice of your soul. YA lit—good YA lit—is never, ever lukewarm. Not in terms of content—the fearless stories told, the layers of meaning revealed.

Not in terms of character—these people live on the pages, and like most adolescents (or the adolescent in all of us, who lives on and on and on) their motivation frequently cuts to the quick: they are desperately trying to figure out just who in God’s name they are.

And YA lit is never, ever lukewarm or tepid in terms of voice—which is so driven by character, setting, and plot, and which defines each YA novel—that distinct, one-of-a-kind voice that speaks a book into existence, that prods and goads and compels a writer—me—to tell the story. This is just a little bit of why YA rocks my world—why I love writing and reading books for teens. Or, supposedly for teens, since most street smart and literary savvy adults worth their salt know that Young Adult Fiction is among the best literature out and about today.

And let me tell you guys, not only does Karen love YA, but she is incredibly talented at writing it too! You probably know I'm not exactly easy to please sometimes when it comes to my books, but I absolutely adored While He Was Away. And it definitely had a lot to do with "the voice" of Karen's main character Penna, and everything that she goes through to discover who she is. Seriously, it was an amazing read and I highly recommend it.

So without further ado, it is....

~Giveaway Time!~

OK so as part of the Tour, I'm hosting an awesome giveaway sponsored by Sourcebooks Fire for a copy of Karen's newest YA novel, While He Was Away. It is a perfect pick for your summer reading lists! You can also click on the cover image for more details from Goodreads :)

Just fill out the Rafflecopter Form below to be entered for a chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck and happy reading everyone!!


  1. I have so many books in my to be read pile, that I am sure I will be working on reading through those. But I can tell you what I plan to read in the coming weeks: Insurgent, Starters, Incarnate to name a few. Thank you for the giveaway!

  2. Insurgent can't wait for it! But there is so many I also bought and have yet to read Everneath but for summer Counting Backwards looks super good!

  3. seolmate, oppa and i, and so many

  4. I can't wait to read Sweet Evil, and then there's my massive reading pile.

  5. While he was Away sounds like a good book. I can't wait to read it... as well as a a bunch of other books. ^.^

  6. This sounds like a great book, I added this to my pile!

    Thanks for the giveaway,


  7. Dream Catcher, a motivation book ^^

  8. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    It's While He Was Away! I read the first few pages online and I LOVE it!

  9. I'm super excited about Cinder. I've heard so many good reviews and I just have to read it. And While he was Away is AMAZING!! Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!! :)

    ~Emily@Emily's Crammed Bookshelf

  10. The top book on my summer reading list is City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare!

  11. This summer I plan on finally reading the Mortal Instruments series. Heard so many good things about them but haven't had the chance to read them yet!

  12. Insurgent, without a doubt. Thanks!

  13. I'm looking forward to City of Lost Souls.

  14. There are some super awesome ones coming out this summer but I'm really looking forward to Biting Cold by Chloe Neill.

  15. My top summer read? I can't pick just one! LOL I am anxious for this one but also Pushing the Limits, If I Lie, Girl of Nightmares, Enshadowed... okay I'll stop. LOL Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  16. Wow I own so many books I need to read. Sweet Evil is definitely at the top when I get that on my birthday. Also Wentworth Hall and While He Was Away are also up there. Pretty cool how all three of these books are coming out on my birthday so yay lol. Thank you so much for this giveaway I can't wait til this comes out. So happy the release date is almost here.

  17. I honestly could not pick a "top" Summer read because I have so many books that I want to get through! This books looks amazing, though! Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. I'm really looking forward to IN HONOR by Jessi Kirby.

  19. There are so many books on my TBR list, but some of the ones I am really looking forward to are A Discovery of Witches, My Unfair Godmother, and Enna Burning.

  20. Hey sweetie! :) Thanks for yet another fabulous giveaway! Gotta love summer contemporary reads :D What am most excited for.. hmm.. there are so many! Definitely Insurgent, Raven Boys, Envy by Elizabeth Miles, BETA, Survive.. and like a thousand other books!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!! As for my top summer read this year - I'd probably go with The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith. I wanna read this SO bad!

  23. This one looks like such a fun beach read!! I'm excited for this one!

  24. This book is SO getting read next month and this post is only making me more excited. I'm a little nervous on the ending but I got some info that it's a hopeful one at least ;)

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I can't choose between Insurgent by Veronica Roth, The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead and City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare :D

  28. I can't wait to read this book, it seems like I've had it on my TBR list forever! Another book I'm looking forward to is Second Change Summer by Morgan Matson. Thanks for the great giveaway! PS - Sorry if I missed it, but I didn't see if this was just open to US or internationally...I'm in Canada, so if it's just US, then disregard my entry. :-)

  29. I can't wait to read Original Sin by Samantha Towle and also the Golden Lily by Richelle Mead.

  30. The book on the top of my summer reading list this summer is Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James.
    I bought it last week (and now have all three books), and I'm really looking forward to it!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Pen to Paper

  31. I have lots of reads on my list but I have been saving "The Summer I Turned Pretty" just for a day (or two) at the beach:)

  32. This summer I am anxious to read Seawitch and Shadow of Night...awesome post by the way! This looks like a neat summer read!

  33. golden lily, beta, insurgent, just to name a few..

  34. Divergent (so I can read insurgent) and Supernaturally, plus a million more. I just also wanted to say that I really love your blog. It is always quality content. All the hard work you put into your blog really shows, and I love seeing all the different designs.

    Thanks for everything :)

  35. I can't wait to read Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock!

  36. Insurgent -Definitely!! Because I LOVED Divergent so much. Thanks for the AWESOME giveaway!! :)

  37. I have way too many books on my TBR. I am looking forward to reading Rachel Van Dyken's Every Girl Does It.

  38. Insurgent!!! And This Is So Not Happening by Kieran Scott. Thanks so much for the giveaway :)

  39. The book I'm waiting on isn't out until August. Unless I get my little mitts on it before that. So I'm waiting patiently for Onyx by Jennifer L Armentrout.

  40. Oh goodness, so many...I'm definitely impatient for City of Lost Souls and Being Friends With Boys, though luckily those come out soon!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. I ahve to say Insurgent, and City of Lost Souls tie. Equally excited for both! Thanks for the giveaway. BTW, love the styling of this blog, so fun!

  42. I'd have to say, I'm most looking forward to reading In Honor by Jessi Kirby.
    Thanks for the giveaway!!

    xo Stephanie

  43. Before I Wake, Dreamless, Insurgent, and Rebel Hearts are on the top, it's too hard to pick just one :)

  44. Endure by Carrie Jones and Enchanted by Althea Kontis


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