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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Book Blog Makeover! The Girly Bookworm

PhotobucketIt's MAKEOVER TIME guys!

So I've been at it again, designing and making over more blogs for more amazing book bloggers, and today I'm SO excited to show you the makeover I just finished for the awesome book chick Megan from The Girly Bookworm!

Megan got in touch with me a few weeks ago, asking for a total overhaul of her blog's design. Even though she *liked* the look she had, it just wasn't really her personal taste or style, and she didn't think the whole theme fit the kinds of books she read and reviewed.

So Megan ordered my Custom Blog Makeover, which includes a one-of-a-kind custom-drawn vector illustration, and a couple other extra things to jazz up her site. She also specifically mentioned wanting to have her design be somewhat inspired by the cover of Jackson Pierce's YA novel, Sweetly, with that black and purple color scheme and the spooky trees silhouetted against the night sky. Megan wanted her vector drawing to be of her sitting against the tree reading a book, and she also asked for an owl somewhere in the design because she loves them! So, here are the pics from Megan's all-new fab makeover at The Girly Bookworm!!

Old Blog Design...

New Blog Design!

Details, details...


Grab Button!
Post Signature!
Sidebar Titles & 
Social Media Buttons!

I hope you guys will stop on over to Megan's blog, follow her, and let her know what you think of her new look-- and of course if YOU are looking for an all-new look on your site, or even if you just need a little something extra added to your current design to make it stand out more, please stop on over to Lea Christine Designs to see what I offer! I'd LOVE to work with you on the perfect blog makeover as well ;)

Happy Reading everyone!!


  1. Oh my god Lea, that is beautiful. One of these days I'm going to have you do a blog design for me. You're work is just sensational!

  2. Outstanding!! I love it, you truly did an incredible job!! :)

  3. *your

    oh gosh it must be getting late. 10 points from Gryffindor

  4. Wow Lea! you are insanely talented, what a gorgeous design!!

    I am seriously thinking about a new design; I am just terrible with change ;)

    Sharon x

  5. It's beautiful, Lea! You did an amazing job and I love how she chose that cover for inspiration.

  6. Love it! The colours are great, and I love the tree and the girl and the owl, and just everything. Great job, Lea!

  7. Nice job, Lea. I can really see "Sweetly" in your design. Really pretty.

  8. That's an awesome design! You do a really great job.

  9. Nice work Lea and the Sweetly inspiration is really great! You did a great job! =D

  10. This is so freakin' cool! Kudos, props, brownie points, etc... to you lol I love the color combination and also the owl, such a cute little detail.

  11. You're so freaking talented! That looks amazing! I so wish I could afford to get your package

  12. Thank you so much Lea, I love it!! :)


  13. Gorgeous! This is my first time here, but I'm definitely a new follower! :)

  14. I'm dying to read Sweetly!
    I'm an old gfc follower of yours. :)
    I'm sorry to bother you, but if you have time, Would you please visit my blog and follow me back?

  15. Very very nice. Your away better in illustrator then I am! Jealous!

  16. Actually i think it is outstanding post. Thanks a lot for your post.
    Mark David


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