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Friday, May 25, 2012

May Book Haul #3!

Hi guys! This week was awesome as far as books go because I got an AMAZING package in the mail from Amazon for books I had ordered-- they are AWESOME!! I also got a book from HarperTeen that I was SO looking forward to having sent, so all together it was a great week! Check out the video below, and the links are all provided too! :)


Note! If you are interested in getting the Leviathan series, be sure to check out the Amazon links below because they are super cheap right now and the hardcovers are GORGEOUS! :D

Eldest by Christopher Paolini  Amazon|  Goodreads
Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout  Amazon |  Goodreads
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld  Amazon |  Goodreads
Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld  Amazon |  Goodreads
Goliath by Scott Westerfeld  Amazon |  Goodreads
Switched by Amanda Hocking  Amazon  |  Goodreads
Defiance by C.J. Redwine  Pre-order on Amazon! |  Goodreads

I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, and Happy Reading!!



  2. I got Defiance too! Emily, it's on Edelweiss! Go snatch it up!

  3. BTW, those pictures (especially the last one) makes me reeeally want to read Leviathan.

  4. Switched is more about trolls than faeries. It is so smart to have more than one of the series at a time because they are addicting!

    Great book haul!

  5. Oh nice!! Hearing a lot of excitement about Defiance! Congrats on getting an ARC! I'm curious about that one too! Just put a request on Edelweiss!

    My STS will be up on Sunday so stop by if you can!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Great haul! I reaally want to read all of those books too! <3

    - Kim

  7. I love your book hauls!! :D im deffo going to add Defiance to my wishlist it looks great!

  8. I haven't read the Leviathan series yet but I really want to! I hope you enjoy all of your goodies and here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  9. You did get some awesome books! I hope you enjoy them all :)

  10. Gaaah! Hating you for getting Defiance! lol. Just kidding :D But so jealous. <3 cannot wait to read it. :) Hope you enjoy everything sweetie ;D
    Love, Carina

  11. This is an awesome haul that you have this week! I am so jealous of all the books that you got, especially Defiance!

    Happy reading!

    My STS
    Renae @ Rolling with the Moments

  12. You got some awesome books Lea! >.< There's so many that I've been wanting to read and others that I hadn't heard of but look interesting :D Glad you had a great week this time around, and I hope you have a great weekend as well!! :D

    My Haul

    -Neyra @DarkestAddictions

  13. Tell me everyone is jelous 'cause i am! You're so lucky! I really want to read Defance and the rest of the haul look even more amazing! The Leviathan series looks interesting i have to give it a try soon.

    Happy reading! =D

  14. OH MY GOD MY FRIEND WAS GOING OFF ABOUT LEVIATHAN! I was like "It sounds interesting, but I'm not sure I want to read a historical romance." And you're probably like freaking out now and going "LISTEN TO THAT FRIEND LISTEN TO THAT FRIEND!" And I'm just turning green that you have Defiance. I should really request in on Edelweiss but once I'm requested I have no stinking idea how to actually get the book. -.- Hope you enjoy!

    Check out my Stacking the Shelves!

  15. Great haul. I really want Defiance as well. Leviathan is on my TBR pile. Great haul.

    Books of Love

  16. I need to just bookmark this post because these are all books I hope to get to soon, especially Leviathan. Hope you enjoy all your books.


  17. I never thought that I would want to read the Leviathan series. But you were so excited about it and made them sound so good in your video, that I need to read them now haha.
    Great post!

    Thank you, I hope you have a great holiday weekend as well :).

  18. I tried Scott's books but it wasnt for me =(
    Happy Reading!

  19. Ohh I really want to read Switched! I've only read Hollowland by Amanda Hocking and it was incredible. If you're a zombie fan I highly suggest you pick it up. I'm sure all of her books are amazing though =) Enjoy!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves: STS

  20. Ahhhh I can't wait for Defiance!! it looks absolutely AMAZING and I hope it lives up to my expectations for it! I enjoyed Switched more than I thought I would too, and I looove JLA's Covenant series. SOO good!

    I hope you enjoy all of them too, Lea :)

    My Stacking the Shelves

  21. I just recently read Switched and I really loved it, I actually ran out and bought books 2 and 3 the next day, but I still can't get to reading it, yet. ugh, too many books, so little time. Defiance looks good, and the Leviathan sounds good, may have to check it out, now

    My Stack

  22. I've read Eldest- actually that book was the farthest I had ever gotten in that series. They're just so blinking long. I hope you like it. I have also heard great things about Switched. I, myself am hoping to read it one of these days. Enjoy.

    Sara @ Just Another Story

  23. Awesome haul this week! You're so lucky you got Defiance! Happy reading!

    My STS

  24. Awesome haul! I requested Defiance and got it a few weeks ago! Happy Reading!
    My STS:

  25. Aww , seems like such a cool haul!
    Here's mine:

  26. I really loved Switch and the two sequels. I really need to read Half-Blood. I've had it on my kindle forever. Happy reading!
    My Stack

  27. Great set! Yay for Leviathan. It's been sitting on my shelf for years. I really need to read it.
    My Bookish Recap

  28. Great haul! I want to read pretty much all of the books mentioned :) Happy reading!

  29. Wow you´re really pretty :)
    Enjoy your books :)
    Jan (a german fan :) )

  30. Great book haul this week :) I really want to read Switched.

    my StS

  31. Alright, you convinced me... I will check out Scott Westerfeld's series the next time I am at the library!! Enjoy

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  32. Nice stack! Don't you just love to get a hardcover for little money? Enjoy! :)

  33. The Leviathan series looks amazeballs.

    I need get Half Blood if it reminds you of VA, haha. I <3 VA.

    And the cover for Defiance is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing and Happy Reading ;)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  34. WOW! What a great book haul this week :) Have to admit I'm slightly jealous of all of those titles you got! (Altho I also received Half Blood this month so Im excited to get into it, lol) Hope you have a great week in books again!

  35. Fantastic haul, Lea! :) And as always, you look stunning! Enjoy all your books, I'm especially excited to hear what you thought of Westerfield's books!

  36. Half-Blood has the most gorgeous cover and it sounds great too will be looking forward to reading your review on it! Enjoy your new reads! :-)

  37. One I just LOVE your new blog design! It's so fun and colorful. :D

    Two thanks for the heads up on the super good deals for Scott Westerfelds Leviathan series. I'll definitely have to think about taking advantage of that since I've been wanting to check them out for awhile now. :D

    Happy reading!

    Julia @ That Hapa Chick

  38. Great BookS! Enjoy reading them!

    check out my "Stacking the Shelves"

  39. Your Blog is gorgeous!!


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