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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Book Blog Makeover! The Little Blue Pig

PhotobucketToday I want to show you guys the latest MAKEOVER from Lea Christine Designs... This one was A LOT of fun!! ;)

Angela is a fellow book blogger who has a blog with one of the CUTEST names ever-- The Little Blue Pig. When she asked me to re-design her site, I knew I was going to have so much fun creating something totally adorable. To begin with, Angela already had a cute design but it didn't go along with her "Little Blue Pig" theme. She wanted something that was clean and simple, with varying shades of blue. And of course-- there had to be a little blue pig included somewhere!

So the first thing I do with any blog makeover that's going to include custom-drawn illustrations is focus on the graphics. In this case, I had a blast drawing up some blue pigs. In fact, I had SO much fun, I drew TWO little blue pigs and asked Angela which one she liked best. I wouldn't normally do a pick-and-choose but c'mon, they were little blue pigs! With reading glasses! I could've sat there drawing them all day! Haha, OK so here are the two blue pigs I drew:

It was a tough choice, but Angela ended up going for the first piggy because it looks more "girly." So from there, I designed the rest of Angela's header using shades of blue and purple along with a fun cut-out shape, widened the layout she had, and added some other details like a rating system and post signature which were included in her design package, aaaaaand... here are the results!

~Old Design~

~New Design!~

I really loved designing this new look for Angela's blog because it gave me the chance to create something that was both cute,simple, and unique at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE drawing girls reading books or reaching for books or dreaming about books, but sometimes it is SO nice to have the chance to do something different!

So I hope you will take a moment to stop on over to The Little Blue Pig, say "hi" to Angela, and let her know what you think of her new design. And of course, I'm sure she'd love a follow too ;) Until next time my wonderful followers!!
Are you considering a new look for your blog? Do you just need an extra little something to spruce up the look you already have? Please stop on over and see me at Lea Christine Designs by clicking on the button below-- you can check out the services I offer and all the designs I have already done!

Happy Reading!


  1. So adorable, Lea! Do you know how much this is killing me? :) It seems like you did have a blast doing this makeover! As always, it looks awesome and you did a great job!

  2. Lea, you are so talented! Greaat new design, you should be proud of yourself for accomplishing something so AWESOME. Keep up the great work! =)

  3. Beautifully done, and your header is amazing too :D I might have to stop over at LC Designs now. PS: **New Follower** love your blog.

  4. Another awesome design, Lea! I LOVE all of your designs. So wish I could do something like that... LOL

  5. OMG Lea! That is too cute! No wonder you had so much fun. That pig is adorable and what a cute name. Can't wait to check out her site.

  6. I love those little pigs! You do such amazing work! I think I might check out your design website. :)

  7. That is precious! I really like this one, and it does make a nice change!

  8. So cute. Awesome design. Love it :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  9. That has got to be the most adorable thing I have ever seen!

    Gorgeous job Lea :)

  10. This is adorable! We may have to keep you in mind for a blog makeover in the future ;)


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