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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (27)

For those who don't know, Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly book meme where we get to let everyone know about what books we are eagerly anticipating the release of. WoW is hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine. Want to participate? Grab the logo on her page, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link on her blog!
This week's Waiting on Wednesday pick is...

Author: Tera Lynn Childs
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Release Date: September 4, 2012
Pages: 328
Three teenage descendants of Medusa, now united, must claim their heritage to fight the monsters escaped from the abyss.

Gretchen may have known she was a descendant of Medusa long before her sisters--after all, she's spent her life fighting the monsters that escape the abyss--but that doesn't mean it will be easy to teach the other girls the ropes.

Greer has pressing social commitments on her plate and precious little time to train in her newfound powers. But that wretched second sight won't leave her alone, and her fabled heritage seems to be creeping into her fashionable life.

Grace has worries closer to home--like why her brother, Thane, has disappeared. He's hiding something. Could it possibly be related to the secret heritage the triplets share?

Why I'm Waiting!

I read and absolutely LOVED Sweet Venom, the first book in this series. And when I say LOVE, I MEAN LOVE!! Like, could NOT put it down. So far I am just so into this story because it's action-packed, the characters are awesome, and it takes such a fun spin on mythology. If you guys haven't read the first one in this series yet, I highly recommend getting your hands on Sweet Venom before this September!


  1. I have been wanting to read Sweet Venom. I love Medusa stories! So glad to hear it is good.
    My WOW

  2. The fact that this is about Medusa makes me want to read it. Now I have to try and track down Sweet Venom.

    Melissa's Waiting on Wednesday

  3. I need to read the first one. Medusa is involved? I'm in. Love mythology.
    Btw, the cover for this one is so pretty. Thanks for sharing :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  4. Well yes please :) - But I have to go back and read the first one now!

    - New follower :)

    See my Waiting on Wednesday Here
    Tabby @Insightful Minds & IM Design Studio

  5. Ahh, I'm glad to hear that Sweet Venom was good! I've been meaning to read that one.

  6. SIGH. I had such a bad time with Oh. My. Gods. and Goddess Bootcamp by Tera Lynn Childs that I was completely put off all her other books. But you and I have pretty similar taste (except The Selection ;D), so maybe I'll check out Sweet Venom and keep my fingers crossed for this one.

    Happy WoW!

  7. Sweet Venom is on my to-read list. Might need to move it up!
    Happy Wednesday and new email follower :)

    The Muggle
    -International Giveaway
    -List of Giveaways/Kindle Deals

  8. Sweet Venom was fantastic! I am really eager to get hold of this book as well - a nice pick Lea!

    My WoW,

  9. I think I need to get a copy of Sweet Venom now. And I think this cover looks better than the first book have. Great pick :)

    Check out our WoW picks for this week!

  10. Great choice!! I'm a new follower and just wanted to drop by and say hi :) I love your blog!! I have been meaning to read Sweet Venom for some time now, but you picking the sequel as your WoW made me put it at the top of my TBR list. Thanks for sharing Lea!! <3

    My WoW


  11. This sounds like an interesting series. I love the old Greek mythology and everything that goes with it, so this looks to be right up my alley!

    Thanks for sharing!

    My WoW
    Renae @ Rolling with the Moments

  12. Oh yes! Love love love this cover. Great pick Lea!

    My WoW

  13. OOoh nice!! Have the first book in my TBR mountain! Can't wait to get to it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  14. I can't wait for this one to come out either. THe first book was fabulous. Great pick. Here's my WoW

  15. I didn't read Sweet Venom, but I heard it was really good. This sounds like it's going to be really good too. Great pick!!

    My WoW

  16. This one sounds really good. I haven't heard of it before. Thanks for sharing

    My WoW

  17. For a descendant of Medusa, she has beautiful hair!!
    I've added this to my list.
    My WoW:

  18. I didn't love the first one but I definitely want to pick up this sequel and hope it turns things around for me with the series. :)
    My W.O.W.

  19. I haven't read the first book in this series yet, but I do love the premise. Excellent choice!

    Read my WOW post.

  20. Great pick, enjoy!

  21. So cannot wait for Sweet Shadows! I'm curious to see what happens next for Grace, Greer and Gretchen :)

    Fabulous WOW!

  22. First, I love the cover! And second, the story seems soo good! I'm definitely gonna add this to my TBR pile. I'd seen Sweet Venom around on goodreads, but didn't really pay it any mind, until now. I want it :D Great Pick!

    My Wow. I hope you have a nice day Lea!

  23. Great choice! I love this cover... I haven't read the first book yet, but it looks fabulous :D

    Here's my Waiting on Wednesday post -

    Have a great day! >,<

  24. Okay, so I am totally in love with that cover. I've heard such good things about TLC too, I just haven't personally gotten a chance to read any of her books yet. Perhaps now I'll have to...

    My WoW

  25. I need to read Sweet Venom soon so I can be ready for this one. Love Childs work!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  26. First off your blog layout is so cute ^__^

    Second YAY greek myth ya book ^_^ Medusa is awesome. Nice to see a book that is about her descendants.
    Cool WOW !!
    Maura @ Monster of BOOKS

  27. I definitely have been meaning to read Sweet Venom! It sounds absolutely amazing and I've heard so many positive things about it!
    Awesome WOW :)
    Taneika @ Flipping Through the Pages

    PS- Your Waiting on Wednesday logo is mega cute :)

  28. Found this book last night on goodreads. Looks like we'll both be itching for the same thing!

    new follower

  29. I'm also eagerly awaiting this book!


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