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Sunday, May 20, 2012

May Book Haul #2!

Hey guys! Thanks for stopping by to see my second book haul for the month of May-- I got some awesome stuff in the mail over the past couple of weeks that I'm really excited to show you! Amazon and Goodreads links are below, and please leave me comments and links to your book hauls for this week so I can visit and see what you got too! Also, if you like the vids, please like and subscribe to my channel on YouTube at Libraryland84 :)

In Honor by Jessi Kirby   Amazon | Goodreads
Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood Amazon | Goodreads

Special Paperback Editions (sorry, I couldn't find links for some!)
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen Amazon | Goodreads
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte Amazon | Goodreads
Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen   Amazon | Goodreads
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte   Amazon | Goodreads

Intentions by Deborah Heiligmen Amazon | Goodreads
Don't You Wish by Rozanne St. Claire Amazon | Goodreads
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein Amazon | Goodreads

Shout Outs!

Megan @ The Girly Bookworm
Stop on by and check out her new makeover!

Haley @ Ya-aholic
Be sure to follow her because she's awesome!

In Other News

Click on the Summer Reads button below to check out the books on my 2012 Summer Reading List!

Happy Reading everyone!!


  1. Hi Lea!
    Sounds like you have obtained many wonderful books this week!
    I really interested in reading In Honor soon, i hope you enjoy it!
    Wow, you bought many of the best classics! Pride and Prejudice is my favorite!
    Have a good day! (love your new image, its magnificent)

  2. Woah. Those special edition paperbacks are soo gorgeous. I already have several versions of Pride and Prejudice & Jane Eyre but they are not cute if I am being honest, lol. I think I might be getting these. They are lovely.

    Awesome haul. Happy Reading ;)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  3. Ahhh congrats on winning those classics! They're so gorgeous! And Born Wicked looks sososo good! I hope you enjoy all you got :)

    Here's my STS!

  4. I'm so jealous of In Honor and Born Wicked I can't wait to read them! Oh and I cannot wait to read Code Name Verity I've heard awesome things about it! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week =) Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  5. Those special editions are so beautiful! They put my Penguin Classic editions to shame =P I'm really excited to read Born Wicked, but my library still doesn't have a copy. I look forward to reading your review!

    Also -- serendipitous moment: I had just started watching your vlog when you were talking about In Honor when I got a text that you'd just rated it four stars. It made me giggle.

    Here's my book haul for this week:

  6. Oh, awesome mailbox sweetie :D I also have Born Wicked. Haven't read it yet, though (A) must do so soon :D It seems awesome. Love your signed books! :D Hope you enjoy them all. <3 :)
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  7. Born Wicked is an interesting novel. I really enjoyed it. I hope you do to, along with all your other novels.

    Sara @ Just Another Story

  8. Interesting Haul. I haven't heard of most of these but they look fun :D I hope you enjoy them all Lea :)

    My Haul

  9. The covers to those classics are GORGEOUS!! In Honor is one I am looking forward to reading this summer and I just added Ship Breaker to my goodreads, so thank you for that!! Enjoy! :)
    You can check out what books I got this week here!

  10. The special editions look so pretty! I didn't like Born Wicked as much as other people did, but I hope you enjoy it. Happy reading! Code Name Verity is amazing so far. I'm only halfway through it, but it's amazing!

  11. You Summer Reads list is all new to me. Can't wait to see what you think of those books.

  12. OOoh nice! Those are new to me, but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  13. Awesome books this week Lea!
    I really liked Born Wicked and got In Honor this week too! And you're so lucky you got Intentions! Happy reading!

    My IMM

  14. Wow, the special edition paperbacks are SO beautiful! I love Pride and Prejudice (one of our dogs is named Darcy;)), and Wuthering Heights. Really lovely covers. :)
    Enjoy your books!
    Here is my Owl Post.

  15. Great haul, Lea! Code Name Verity is about two girls during WWII and it is one of my favourite books of 2012. It is quite sad towards the end but it's definitely worth the tears - I hope you give it a chance & enjoy it!

  16. Oh my... I'm so envious of those special edition classics! I want them!! lol. Wuthering Heights and Jayne Eyre are two of my absolute favorites!! I've been wanting to read Born Wicked for a while now too I'm hoping to get it soon.

    And YAY for Eldest!!! :D

  17. In Honor!! It looks SOO good, I want to read it BAD! The classics look AMAZING!! like seriously out of the world amazing! I saw Jane Eyre at American Eagle (yes the clothes store!) and it was such a pretty edition I regret not buying it but I can't find it anywhere buuuuuut these covers are a zillion times better! I have not read any of those books but I want to buy them for the cover now. (shallow much? haha) happy reading!

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies♥

  18. By the way, the books are the Sterling Publishing edition :D

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies♥

  19. Awesome books this week!! Born Wicked sounds amazing..can't wait to read your review :)

    Happy reading and check out my stacking the shelf!

  20. Awesome books this week, Lea *-* I really hope you like Eldest. It's not, like, the BEST book in the series, but since you enjoy the fantasy world itself, I think you'll love it :D
    I'm afraid of Code Name Verity too, you know. WW II is my favorite subject in History, but still, I'm afraid of... being broken by this novel, after I finish reading it. You're not alone in this xD But this book sounds amazing, so I think I'll give it a shot, even with my fears. I hope you do the same sometime soon!


  21. Awesome haul of Books. Great picks. I like the cute picture for the Summer Reads. Love seeing the videos.


  22. Those Classic novel covers are drool worthy! OMG! Wuthering Heights is my favourite out of all the covers. Like you, I've read Pride & Prejudice too many times to count. I am excited to read your review for Born Wicked! I really enjoyed it and hope you do too.

    Off to check out your summer reading list!

  23. Those classics covers are just gorgeous!!

  24. The special editions look amazing! Can't wait to see what you think about Code Name Verity, its on my TBR pile. Happy reading!

    My IMM post this week.

  25. I bought Born Wicked too this past week! Jessica actually graduated from my high school. :) I think it's pretty cool.

  26. Pride & Prejudice is my all time favorite too! Sense & Sensibility is another really good one :) Loved your vlog!

    Here's my post:


  27. Yay! I'm so happy you already put the gift card to use! :) Thanks so much for the shout out!

    Those classics you got are soooo pretty! I definitely want to read Pride and Prejudice!

    Here’s my Week in Books post!

    Happy reading!

    Megan @ The Girly Bookworm

  28. Great book haul! The covers for the classics are stunning, I love them :)

    My STS

  29. You got awesome books this week! Enjoy them all :)

  30. Haley is awesome! Those classics are gorgeous! I will be reading Don't You Wish soon as well. Got the NetGalley for that. I'll have to check out your summer reading list. Interested to see what you have on there.

  31. I love all the books in your haul. Good for you!


  32. Ohh, I did my first vlog this week and it was so nerve racking! I butcher names too, don't worry :)
    AWESOME book haul this week :D I've never heard of Don't You Wish and I didn't think I'd like it because I'm very fussy with girly type books but as soon as you mentioned "parallel universe", I was sold! DEFINITELY looking forward to getting that!
    Those classic editions are beautiful, the spines are even gorgeous <3 love them!

    Taneika, Flipping Through the Pages :)

  33. Code Name Verity looks like a really great read!! I hope you enjoy it! Great haul this week :D

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  34. Great vlog! Enjoy Born Wicked :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  35. First I wanna just say that I love that Kylie Minogue song lol. Ok, so...omg those classics are so freaking gorgeous. I've seen pictures of them, but they really are amazing. I own old copies of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights (haven't read them, but I'm doing a classics challenge this year so I have to get them read), but I would LOVE to have this set. So pretty! I got Don't You Wish from NetGalley awhile ago, but still need to read it. Born Wicked is awesome, and it's so cool that you got an autographed copy! I was supposed to get an ARC of In Honor but never did (*sniffles*), and my library doesn't have it yet, so I'll be eager for your review!

    I'm like you, I only do a Book Haul when I have enough to go to the effort of filming, editing and uploading, haha. I'm a few days late with visiting, but here's my Book Haul if you want to check it out!


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