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Thursday, September 1, 2011

500 Follower Giveaway WINNERS!!

OK guys, so not gonna lie, I am so incredibly psyched that my 500 Follower Giveaway was SUCH a huge success! Get this: over 425 PEOPLE entered the giveaway, and there were over 2,600 entries! AND-- I'd like to also point out-- I'm now almost at 900 followers! How awesome is that?! You guys are amazing, just wanted to tell ya :)

Alright, so now for the winners!!!

~First Place~

~Second and Third Place~
Dea from Teen Reader's Diary wins
Karen from I Read to Escape wins

A big "thank you" to everyone who participated! 

So what's up next, you ask? Well, myself and the wonderful Tiffany from over at For Those About to Read are both hosting a super-awesome "Bright, Young & Luxe" Giveaway Hop in celebration of Anna Godbersen's latest release, Beautiful Days! You can sign up between now and September 5th to link up and host your own giveaway with us, OR you can check back between September 10th-20th to participate in the MANY giveaways that will be going on during the Hop! We are definitely looking forward to seeing you all there, so stay tuned!
Click this image to sign up for the Hop!!



  1. WOW! You almost have 1000 followers! That's insane! Congrats :D And congrats to the winners!

  2. Thank you so much! Can't wait to read the books! :) Congrats to the other winners- and huge congrats to the awesome count of followers you have!! That's amazing! ^^


  3. I AM OVER THE MOON!! Thank you SO much! I really appreciate it!! :D What an awesome book! I can't wait to start reading it!

  4. Yay! I'm having a copy of Wither. FINALLY. Thanks so much!! and congrats on the almost 900 followers!

  5. Reading Owl~ Yep! I'm pretty excited about that myself lol :) Thanks for the congrats!

    Pixie~ You're very welcome! Hope you enjoy both of the books you picked out when they arrive in the mail-- I haven't read The Goddess Test yet, but The Luxe is one of my fave YA books-- and series-- of all time! So excited you're going to read it too :D

    Karen~ Haha, so glad you're so happy about winning :) And yes, I think you will enjoy Firelight, like I said, I'm reading it right now and am definitely enjoying it ;)

    Dea~ Wither was SUCH an amazing book, the writing was just beautiful and the story will have you on the edge of your seat! You're very welcome, and enjoy your book when it arrives :)


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