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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (18)


For those who don't know, Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly book meme where we get to let everyone know about what books we are eagerly anticipating the release of. WoW is hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine. Want to participate? Grab the logo on her page, post your own WoW entry on your blog, and leave your link on her blog!

Author: Sherry Soule
Publisher: Moonlight Publishing, Inc.
Release Date: January 12, 2012
Pages: 302
The Hook: Some loves are meant to be…others are cursed.

Summary:Elizabeth Blackburn doesn’t believe in fate or the supernatural until she moves into Cliffside Manor and begins having nightmares about a woman who was murdered in the house.

Determined to unlock secrets that have remained hidden for centuries, Elizabeth is plunged into an otherworldly mystery that not even she can explain away, not to mention, her uncontrollable attraction to the former owner, Dorian Knight.

As the history of the Knight family curse begins to unravel, tensions heighten and old secrets turn deadly. Even though Dorian wants nothing to do with Elizabeth and goes out of his way to make that very clear–she can’t let it go...even if it kills her.

I LOVE the cover for this one! Covers with redheads always catch my attention though, since I am one heehee ;) Plus, I love the sound of this-- it's like a good old-fashioned ghost story with an old house and secrets and a mystery to solve... what's not to love?? Definitely looking forward to when this one comes out!

What is everyone else waiting on this week?


<----------  ALSO! Remember that our Bright, Young & Luxe Giveaway Hop will be starting THIS SATURDAY on September 10th and going until September 20th-- be sure to stop by and check out all the AWESOME GIVEAWAYS that will be going on! Enter to win Anna Godbersen prizes in celebration of her newest release, Beautiful Days!



  1. Sounds good. I love a good ghost story too!

  2. I'm addicted to your blog! It's GORGEOUS!!! I love the cupcakes, the alice and wonderland vibe! It's amazing!!! I do hope you'll stop in my neck of the woods (not near as fabulous) and say hello!

  3. Never heard of that before...looks great! Ghosts = mystery = win.
    Ps. Love your blog design so much.
    Nina @ Death Books and Tea

  4. A mystery and a ghost story what is not to want. Great pick!

  5. I haven't heard of this before but it sounds fantastic! :) Thanks for sharing.


  6. It is a great cover and I love a good ghost story- sounds great!

  7. Hadn't heard of this one but it sounds great!

    Here's our WoW

  8. Wow this DOES sound good. I think I may have to add it to my pile! :)


    WOW @ Du Livre

  9. Sounds like a good read, must look into.

  10. This looks great, I will need to add it to my TBR!

    Check out my WOW here.

    Emma @

  11. Ooh, this sounds really good! And I like the cover too. Heading over to add it to my GoodReads. :-)

  12. Thank you for the kind words! (BTW, that's just a mock up cover I made with the image. The "real" will look much better.)

    I hope your followers appreciated the post and are interested in also reading my debut novel, Beautifully Broken. :- )


    Author Sherry Soule Website

  13. Hi Lea! I'm so glad you're enjoying The Iron King! You're absolutely going to love the entire series. And I have added Forever Knight to my TBR list. It sounds so interesting! :)


  14. Sounds good, the cover´s pretty. Nice pick!!!

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    Wow this book looks awesome!! I haven't heard of it but I am adding it to my tbr pile!!!

  16. This book sounds great! I loved Beautifully Broken by Sherry Soule.

    Thank-you for stopping by my blog earlier

  17. Sounds interesting! I have never heard of this book or author before.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my WoW pick.

    Erika @ One A Day Y.A.

  18. Ohhh, this one sounds spooky! I'll have to check it out.

  19. Sounds mysterious and creepy. Just what a good ghost story should be ;)

  20. This sounds really great! I'll have to add it to my TBR list. Sounds really creepy :)

    My WoW

  21. This sounds great!! And I have to agree - great cover!!

    Thanks for stopping by Lost in Literature! :)


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