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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Follow Me Friday (17) & Blogger Hop!


Follow Me Friday is a fun book meme hosted by the fabulous Parajunkee over at Parajunkee's View AND Allison over at Allison Can Read. Have a book blog? You can play with us too! Just visit Parajunkee's site by clicking on LC's Follow Friday icon-- be sure you are a follower of her blog and the blog she is featuring for the week, put your name in the Linky, create your own FF post on your blog, and then start commenting and following whomever you wish!

This week's Follow Friday question:
What book that hasn't been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?

Oh my gosh, that is a really good question!! OK, most definitely it would be The Luxe by Anna Godbersen-- like, the whole series, all four books-- I know that this would make an absolutely awesome movie or even TV mini-series!!

If you think these book covers are stunning and drool-worthy, you need to read the actual story and see just how amazing this series is!! Coincidentally, I had the chance to interview Anna a couple weeks ago and I asked her if The Luxe was going to be made into a movie, and she said that it was being talked about... here's hoping!!

As for which actresses would play which parts... that's difficult to decide! I don't watch a ton of movies, so I'll try-- and if you have any better suggestions, let me know!

OK, Elizabeth Holland would be played by Rachel McAdams. Elizabeth was sweet with a not-so-innocent secret. I really love Rachel as an actress and I think she is the perfect mix of sweet and edgy!

Diana would be played by Sienna Miller, since her character is feisty and independent and has a lot of spirit-- I loved Sienna in the movie Casanova, so I think she would be good for this role...

Penelope would be played by Natalie Dormer, who played Anne Boleyn on Showtime's The Tudors. Penelope was a power-hungry, back-stabbing diva who crushed everyone who got in her way-- similar to Anne Boleyn! So I think Natalie would be perfect for this part :)

OK, I know you're like what?! But Lina Broud is difficult... I guess I would pick Taylor Swift because I think she looks how I would picture Lina, and she has done some acting haha... Lina is the maid who stops at nothing to climb the social latter, but she's also really naive and vulnerable. I think Taylor could pull this off well! Plus, she looks amazing in a beautiful dress ;)

OK-- so there is a reason why I am not a casting director lol!


The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme for all of us awesome book bloggers, where we get to chat about all things "Bookish" over the weekend! It's hosted by the lovely Jennifer over at Crazy for Books. Feel free to click on LC's Book Blogger Hop icon to join in this week's Hop!     ------->

“In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned or frequently challenged book”?”

Yikes, there are probably quite a few, haha... Here are some of the top ones I could think of! Also, if you click on the covers it will take you to their Goodreads pages-- because I'm that awesome ;)

PS!!  ---> I just created a new page on my blog called Blogs I Heart! It is a space dedicated to all my favorite blogs that I follow... Be sure to check it out, and if your blog button is not up there already, leave me a comment below so I can grab your button and put it on my page for others to find! :)


  1. Thanks for stopping by and grabbing my button :D It means alot! and as you already know we chose the same book for the answer :P

  2. Excellent choices on the Banned Books! :) Harry Potter has been on the list countless times as well as The Giver. And somehow I'm not surprised The Hunger Games is on the list, too. Banned Books should be celebrated for an entire month, but a week is good so far. :) Have a lovely weekend, my fellow librarian!

    My Hop

  3. Would the visuals in a luxe movie ever live up to those covers though *drools*

    I'm a new follower via RSS (Happy FF!)

    Tania @ Wandering Hues

  4. I haven't read the Luxe books yet. Its been a long time since I read anything historical. Maybe I should give them a go? I can't say whether they'd make a better TV series or movie because of that. Anyway, nice blog! :)

  5. I'm fascinated that you chose The Luxe series because I have the first book on my nook and can't wait to read it - good to know it's THAT good you'd like to see it as movie!

    April @ My Shelf Confessions

  6. Great character you chose.Awesome choice! Love the cover of those books. New follower:)
    My FF:

  7. LOL. I like your casting choices. Never have read anything by Anna Godberson. The books look interesting though. Here's my FF:

  8. Hopping through. The Luxe books would be great movies! Also, The Giver is probably my fav banned book.
    My Hop

  9. Hey! Add my button... I have you on my blog roll already!! Oh and I am dying to read the Luxe series!


    XOXO Angela's Anxious Life

  10. The Giver's a great book. I want to read the rest of the series. I couldn't pick a favorite from the ALA list. So I listed the ones I've read. Please come see what they are.

  11. Hello and Happy Friday!

    I have never heard of the Luxe series but it sounds great. I would love for you to grab my button :)

    Have a great weekend.

    Sharon @

  12. I loved Catcher in the Rye,although that's not the book I picked. I'm following your blog now.

  13. I want to read that series, I really should start it!

    Old Follower hopping by Kylie @ The Talking Teacup

  14. Great choices on the banned books. I need to read The Luxe series. I've heard so many good things about it.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. the beloved Harry Potter makes the banned books list!! oh no. So many good books are on the list! Thanks for stopping by my blog :D

  17. I like the choice of Natalie Dormer for The Luxe's Penelope. She has a devious look to her that's just right.

  18. Okay, so I havent read luxe. I think I had the books for like forever and then got rid of them when I realized I'd never feel like reading them. Now that you are saying theyre such great books, I'm regretting that decision. Thanks for stopping by and following

  19. I'd also like my button on the blogs I <3 page. (if you dont mind of course)

  20. I love your blog! New follower!

    The Luxe series would be a neat mini-series! I devoured those books and couldn't wait to read the next one to see what happened!

    Hopping by... Here's my answer

    Make sure to visit my 100 Followers Giveaway!

  21. I haven't read the Luxe yet, but I have it haha. I absolutely love all the actresses that you picked, they're all really great. Awesome choice :)

    My Follow Friday

  22. I love The Giver! I wish there was no such thing as banning books. It makes me so angry!

    A Book Obsession..

  23. I haven't read this series yet, but I really need to soon! I like your cast, it's made of great actresses!

    My FF Post!

  24. Ooooh this is a good one! I can totally see this as a miniseries and Natalie Dormer is awesome!

    Have a great weekend!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  25. Ahhh! I would LOVE to see The Luxe series made into a movie or a mini series for tv! It would be so good, and I like your picks to play the characters!

    Here's m FF:

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)


  26. This is the first time I've heard 'The Luxe' series mentioned for this answer, and your casting is spot-on!

    Current follower, and I love your blog and layout so much I've added one of your button's to my blog!

    Have a great week,
    The Duchess Mommy Reads

    ***PS: Giveaway happening on my blog!

  27. I love your casting choices! I haven't read the series but though :)

  28. Good choice! I would definitely watch a movie or TV show based on The Luxe novels. That would be awesome.


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