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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Follow Me Friday (15) & Book Blogger Hop!


Follow Me Friday is a fun book meme hosted by the fabulous Parajunkee over at Parajunkee's View AND Allison over at Allison Can Read. Have a book blog? You can play with us too! Just visit Parajunkee's site by clicking on LC's Follow Friday icon-- be sure you are a follower of her blog and the blog she is featuring for the week, put your name in the Linky, create your own FF post on your blog, and then start commenting and following whomever you wish!

This week's Follow Friday question:
Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story? If so, which one?

So, the first thing I thought about when I read this question was: what books have I read where the characters were so incredibly aggravating that I wish the bad guy could've won? And the first books I thought of were the Fallen series by Lauren Kate-- however, this is SUCH a bad choice, and I REALLY don't want the bad guy to win in these books, because the bad guy happens to be Satan (Yeah. Definitely don't want HIM winning anything lol).  BUT I do have to say-- the main characters in this series (Luce and Daniel) are just so vapid, annoying, and mind-numbingly bland that I won't mind TOO much if they both meet an unfortunate end  when the last book comes out... here's hoping! 

Haha, I am half-joking here. UM NO, I don't want Satan to win! Maybe Luce and her fallen-angel lover boy will get to be a **little** less aggravating before the series ends-- and then I can be all warm and fuzzy when they get their happy ending :)


The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme for all of us awesome book bloggers, where we get to chat about all things "Bookish" over the weekend! It's hosted by the lovely Jennifer over at Crazy for Books. Feel free to click on LC's Book Blogger Hop icon to join in this week's Hop!     ------->


“Many of us primarily read one genre of books, with others sprinkled in. If authors stopped writing that genre, what genre would you start reading? Or would you give up reading completely if you couldn’t read that genre anymore?”

Honestly, I am so not picky about what genre I read and I don't have one genre I read more than others-- I like almost every one!

I do enjoy high-fantasy type stories with faeries and dragons and I'm a HUGE Lord of the Rings fan, but I'm just as happy reading paranormal, romance, contemporary, historical fiction... To give you some idea of the wide range of books I read, before I started this YA Book Blog, I almost EXCLUSIVELY read historical non-fiction books, mostly focused on the Tudor English time period, OR the classics. I still love these two genres, but I love expanding on what I already have read a lot about :)

Really, as long as the story keeps me interested and I can connect with and become invested in the characters, I am a happy reader! :)



  1. I think a good read is a good read, no matter the genre !

    your header is stunning!!

    Kylie @ The Talking Teacup

  2. I saw your post at Denim-Jacket's blog and thought I'd stop by here as I am a librarian, too!

    I agree with you, too. I read almost anything that is well written. Right now, I'm lost in Game of Thrones. Who'd have thought this book would captivate me?!

  3. We must have similar reading tastes because I love The Lord of the Rings and my favorite historical fiction books to read are about Tudor England!

  4. I'm a diverse reader. It really depends what I'm in the mood for. I really enjoy YA, Contemporary Fiction, and Christian Fiction. I do enjoy a good historical fiction, and the tudors is my favorite era.

  5. Hopping by...Come by and read my hop answer and enter the giveaway going on that page @ Ashley Suzanne!

  6. I enjoy many genres also, but I find myself drawn to a few in particular. I also love historical fiction, but my interest tends to lie around the WWII area. I think it's great that we have so many different genres to pick from!
    Happy Hopping!

  7. I tend to go on genre kicks. Lately, all YA paranormal. I love sci-fi, though. I'd probably read that or fantasy next. :)

    K.C. Neal - author of Pyxis: The Discovery (YA bloggers, reserve your ARC at my blog!)

  8. Hi, I'm a new follower! I'm also a pretty diverse reader, although sometimes I get into certain moods where only one genre will do.

  9. Sorry, I had to skip your first question cause I haven't read Lauren Kate's books yet (though I own the first two!).

    As for reading...well, I could never give it up!

    Happy Friday!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

  10. I haven't read The Fallen series yet. But I also love books with good plots that keep me interested!

    My Follow Friday!

  11. Hey, I'm an old follower, but I'm stopping by for FF :) Haha, this is pretty funny because I ALMOST chose Fallen, but when I thought of the "villain" I thought of Cam. And Luce ending up with him instead because he's SO much more interesting than Daniel. Nice choice :)

    My Follow Friday :)

  12. Hi and Happy Friday! I too enjoy a variety of genres..

    My FF,

    Have a great weekend!

  13. I've read so many mediocre reviews of Fallen and your answer just seals the deal for me. I agree about the notion that when characters get annoying you want them to meet an untimely end!

    I'm a new follower. My FF post: The Write Obsession

    While you're there don't forget to enter by Wolfborn giveaway!

  14. I love to love a villain sometimes! As you know, my choice is a fave! Although he's probably more an antihero when I think about it! Oh well!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

  15. There are actually quite a few main characters that I would rather have die than survive to the end. Although I don't really think I would want any villains to win, either.

    Books of Amber

  16. That's pretty much what I said - I don't USUALLY want the bad guys to win unless the heroes are especially irritating. It's happened once or twice, but I can't actually think of an example!

    I wouldn't have minded if Satan won. In fact, I'd have helped him on his way up if it meant the death of Luce and Daniel... They irritated me beyond all comprehension.

  17. First, thank you for stopping by!! I think it's a little funny that quite a few people seem to be taking the route of not wanting the villain to win per say, but just kill of a character(s) they don't like.

    You're definitely better off then I am without your genre! Non-fiction and I just don't get along - I have a really hard time escaping to other characters in the 'real world'. I need my fantasy!

  18. Glad that I am not the only one who reads more than just YA! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  19. There is so much to be read out there to ever stop reading, have a happy Friday.

  20. Thanks for stopping by, your blog is beautiful :) Following you back.

    Love your answers too! Love that you could actually think of a book in which you'd have been quite happy if the characters came to an untimely end, jus' sayin' ;)

    Once Upon A Time

  21. uh oh, I have not read fallen yet, but I hate it when the main characters are annoying! Im a new follower and i love your blog already! Do you have an email subscriber for this blog, because I really want to be able to not miss any posts!

    My FF- Book Briefs


  22. Michelle~ Just for you, I added an email subscription gadget-- you can find it in the sidebar under my "Contact Me" buttons :)


  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog and adding the email subby. I just subscribed to it :)

    My FF- Book Briefs


  24. Ha, I know what you mean there on not liking the main characters too much. :P Thanks for stopping by my blog! Following back. ^_^ Happy Follow Friday!

  25. Ha ha! I love the vindictiveness of your answer. So great!

  26. 1. I <3 the classics as well. I almost majored in Victorian Literature because I was so in love with the books from that time period. I decided to go a little broader though, and majored in English Lit. I didn't want to leave my man Faulkner out in the cold.

    2. I just got a copy of Fallen from RandomBuzzers. I am SO disappointed to hear that the characters are annoying. I meet enough annoying people in real life. I don't want to experience them in my books too!

  27. Current follower stopping by for Follow Fridays. I kinda agree w/ the Fallen series, Daniel/Luce are too sweet. I kinda liked Cam...

    Have a great weekend,

  28. I like Fallen, but I'm not a big fan either. Oh, and you read historical NON-FICTION wow! I can't imagine myself reading this kind of books. I can read those but I don't think I will enjoy them as much as I enjoy YA books =)

    happy friday hops!
    Friday Hops

  29. Thanks for stopping by! I love reading in general so I'm not really genre specific. I just love books - good books! :)

  30. I tend to read a variety of things as well, so I wouldn't be without anything to read. Happy weekend.

  31. Thanks for stopping by over at Drying Ink! Haha, tough choice there with the villain. :P What with the trend being towards 'grey' conflicts now in epic fantasy, it might be a bit easier for me to choose, though I'm still fond of a good antihero... I'm following back.

  32. I'm going to be honest, I'm not reading the answer to the first question, because Fallen is what I'm reading next, and I don't want to know anything! lol Maybe I'll come back and read it after I've read the book. ;-)
    As for the second question, I love your answer. I feel the exact same way - why limit your reading tastes when there are thousands of wonderful books to be read in tons of different genres? BTW, I love anything to do with Tudor-era England too. Have a great weekend Lea! I see you're one away from 900 followers - yay! :-) xo

  33. Yeah, occasionally main characters can be so annoying that you can't help but think that they'd be improved by a little smackdown coming from a villain. :-)

  34. I'm not all that picky genre wise either. There are so many different things to read even if new books in a favorite genre stopped being published. Please come see what I would read.

  35. I MUST read the Fallen series. I believe I am the only one left who has not read at least one of the series books..
    There is a lot to read so if my fave genre were to go POOF I would make do. I would read backs of cereal boxs and cans if need be! I love to read :)
    New follower :)

    Books and Beyond

  36. Old follower stopping by. I love Classics too although I have read very few. I recently read Far From the Madding Crowd and would be reviewing it soon.


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