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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Follow Me Friday (16) & Book Blogger Hop!


Follow Me Friday is a fun book meme hosted by the fabulous Parajunkee over at Parajunkee's View AND Allison over at Allison Can Read. Have a book blog? You can play with us too! Just visit Parajunkee's site by clicking on LC's Follow Friday icon-- be sure you are a follower of her blog and the blog she is featuring for the week, put your name in the Linky, create your own FF post on your blog, and then start commenting and following whomever you wish!

This week's Follow Friday question:
It's that pesky magic book fairy again! She has another wish: What imaginary book world would you like to make a reality?

My Answer:Obviously the world of Harry Potter, but since everyone is going to say that, I did just finish reading The Iron King by Julie Kagawa and it was freaking fantastic-- the world-building in this book was absolutely mind-blowing. It was one of those books that you read and can then picture and play in your head long after you've finished it. The faery world of The Iron King was both dark, magical, eerie and intoxicating-- I loved it!


The Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme for all of us awesome book bloggers, where we get to chat about all things "Bookish" over the weekend! It's hosted by the lovely Jennifer over at Crazy for Books. Feel free to click on LC's Book Blogger Hop icon to join in this week's Hop!     ------->

As a blogger, how do you introduce yourself in your profile?

I have a separate "About Me" page on my blog because I think it's important for my readers to know who it is they are reading posts from... In it, I talk a little bit about my career as a librarian and then I talk about what else I love to do in my spare time when I'm not reading or blogging. There are also a few pics of myself and family, which I think gives my blog a personal touch :)

Thanks for stopping by everyone, and have a great weekend!!



  1. You're definitely right! I've been to 3 blogs already and ALL of them said Harry Potter. Who can blame them though?! haha

    I've been really loving The Iron King series though, so I'm loving your answer!

  2. Hopping through. Hard not to pick Harry Potter. I did. Iron Fey series is a great choice. I agree.
    My Hop

  3. Hi & Happy Friday!

    A great answer! I chose the Iron Fey series as well :)

    My FF,

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. I feel like I'm one of the few that wasn't so thrilled with the Iron Fey series. I do like Ash though. I'll continue for more of him!

  5. I was thinking about the Iron Fey series too, but then I remembered that there's a lot of nasties in that world too. I'd hate to run in to some redcaps or something :/ Unless I had Ash to defend me! Then it could work out :)
    Old follower!

    My Follow Friday

  6. I've heard a lot of people say Harry Potter, too. The Iron King, though? That looks interesting. I wonder how I managed to miss reading it? I might have to correct that. :) New follower.

  7. I love Harry Potter and that was one of my answers too! So was Iron Fey though! :] Both of them are amazing and I like that you can switch between the human side and the magic side! Happy Friday!

    My FF Post

  8. I would love to live in the world of Harry Potter!

    I've read book one and two in the Iron Fey series, and loved them! The Iron Daughter was fantastic!

  9. I still need to read the Iron Fey series. It is on that ever growing list!

    Beth ^_^

  10. Amazing choice. The world of the Winter Court would be fantastic to see.

  11. Old follower hopping by!I haven't read the Iron Fey series but I'll bet it's beautiful.

    Have a great weekend.

    Rochelle @ Books Like Stars

  12. New follower, I wanted to pick harry potter but i figured everyone would.

  13. I also picked The Iron Fey world, I agree with your answers! This is definitely a great world.

    My Follow Friday

  14. A lot of people have been saying the iron fey series and I am kicking myself so hard for not reading it yet. I have books 2 and 3, but not 1. I need to buy it already and get reading lol

    My FF- Book Briefs



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