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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Follow Me Friday (1)

OK, so I am totally new to the getting-to-know-each-other weekend memes and I thought it was high time I check them out! So this evening I visited one of my fave spots at Parajunkee's View aaaand... well now I am hoping to meet and greet some new bloggers! Woohoo!! If you are new to my site, I humbly welcome you to my new book blog (it's been here, like, 15 days haha) and if you are returning, it is so good to see you again! I am definitely looking forward to chatting and getting to know all of you this weekend :)

Soooo... this week's question is: Do you judge a book by it's cover?

Answer: Absolutely! I am pretty new to the YA genre (before this I was pretty much strictly an English historical biography kind of girl) so the cover for me is a major determining factor for whether or not I will pick a book up off the shelf.

However, this isn't the only way I'll read a book: If I come across a really good review for something, or if it seems to have a different perspective/point of view, I have been known to look it up at the library, too. And sometimes I am really pleasantly surprised: Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi was an amazing book, even though its cover wasn't all that memorable.

Hope all of you have an awesome weekend! Happy reading :)


  1. I pick books by their covers as well! Some are just SO pretty, it's hard to resist! lol!

    New follower here!

  2. I'm a new follower hopping through. Hope you'll come visit me at

  3. Hi Lea, just stopping by to say "hi~!"
    It's the same for me, I am pretty new to YA genre and the cover does play a huge role in my decision making :)
    Here's my FF: Bookish

  4. I definitely agree about covers. I love a good cover, but I WILL give a book a chance if it seems really good or I've heard a lot about it. I just wish more authors and publishers cared about a beautiful cover, some of them really seem like they don't even try! Anyway, I am your newest follower and I'd really appreciate it if you stopped by my blog to follow me too. :) Thanks.

    -Sandra from

  5. Thanks for the follow! I returned the favor.

  6. Thanks for stopping by.
    The book cover usually draws me in while the back of the book summary is usually wehat keeps me interested.

  7. Hey Lea! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am new follower now! And welcome to world of blogging :)

    Have a great weekend :)


  8. I try really hard to ignore covers, but it's so hard!

    Welcome to Follow Friday! Thanks for following; I'm returning the follow!

  9. I don't look at the cover alone. The cover grabs my attention but it is the back cover description that will ultimately decide whether I will buy it.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my page Lea! I just realized I forgot to post the FF image! I'm still new at this. *editing page*

    I noticed your a librarian and it just dawned on me; long ago covers were just colored clothe over board. Interesting how much has changed.

    I love your site by the way. Beautifully done!

  11. A good cover is something the author should really invest in if he wants to grab your attention. After that, the words have to back up the great cover. It's the same with people; beauty may only be skin deep.

  12. Hey, new follower :) love your blog. suppeerr cute!

    ps. I also tend to judge books by there cover... your not alone :)haha!

  13. Hey Im a new follower :)
    I think 99% of readers judge books by their cover. Its unavoidable haha.
    New to your blog and love it :)

    Come visit my blog if you have time.

  14. Hi, this is my first time to participate in The Friday Follow My Blog Hop-A lot of the 500 or so blogs I do follow join in every week so I thought why not try it-I will happily return all follows

    The Reading Life

    Mel u

    I like the design of your blog a lot

  15. Wow, cute blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'm happy to make new friends. :) Happy Friday!


  16. Hi Lea! New follower here.

    For me, it is the cover and the title that tempt me to read the blurb. If the blurb reads great, I'll grab the book. I remember the first time I saw Harry Potter's book covers, I was like, O_o...not sure if I liked them. Love the inside but the covers weren't really to my tastes.
    Happy Follow Friday!!!
    You can check out my website and to see what kind of books I write.
    I have two other pen names,
    L.J.Leger -
    Jadette Paige - and

  17. Hi Lea,
    I totally agree with you. The covers in the YA genre are pretty eye catching & i think they`re that way simply for the fact that the pretty the cover the more attracted you`ll be to them!. But sadly the content on the inside doesn`t always match the cover.

    & thank you for following. I`ll be following you back. Your blog is Super cute!


  18. Love the design and layout of your blog!

    Yes, I often judge books by their covers, and I'm so glad when my old favorites get much-needed makeovers.

    I'm a new follower, and invite you to check out my sites and follow me as well.

  19. The cover usually attracts you to the book.

    stop and see mine and my giveaways.

  20. Covers are always irresistable ;)
    Following you!

  21. Hi Lea, thanks for taking the time to have a look at my blog on Follow me Friday I'm now following you and I have to say I think your blog is absolutely gorgeous!


  22. A pretty cover will atleast get a book picked up! I'm a new follower. My FF is at Coffee Table Reviews

  23. As a huge AIW fan, I love your blog name! I'm a new follower. If you have time, come stop by my blog!

  24. Hi, Lea! Welcome to the blog scene and the hop!! :) I hope you have a great weekend and a great time hopping today.

  25. Always nice to meet a fellow librarian. Glad you stopped by my blog. I liked Ship Breaker too, and I thought the cover was OK, but not really that memorable. Happy reading! Looking forward to following your posts!

  26. New follower! I always judge a book by it's cover! I can't help it; I'm superficial like that, haha :) But a book is a book no matter what! Have a happy weekend!

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  27. Lea! I definitely agree- judging books by their covers is kind of hard not to do. But, it definitely matters what's on the inside too. :) If it's an awful book, then who cares what it looks like!

    Welcome to the meme officially, too! haha

  28. YA books seem to have the prettiest and most well-designed covers out there these days. We're just inundated with so many to choose from.

    Happy Follow Friday! I'm a new follower. I hope you'll check out my blog too!

    Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads

  29. Thx for stopping by! Ship Breaker is a great example on how not to be deceived by a cover. The worst book I read in 2010 had a gorgeous cover, but good gosh all mighty! That was a horrible book.


  30. Welcome to blogland and your first FF! And thanks too for becoming a follower of my site. I'm now following you back and look forward to reading more of your posts.

    The Scarf Princess

  31. Hi Lea,
    I'm a new follower, too.
    For me the cover is the first thing to catch my eye and after that I read the blurb on the back. If it sounds like my cup of tea then I get it.
    I'd love if you would check out my blog:

  32. Thank you to everyone who stopped by, followed, and commented this weekend- it is great to meet all of you and I look forward to reading and reviewing with you in the future :)

  33. I always thought of myself as someone who judges books by their covers (despite what I was taught at school). But as I glance across my bookshelves at my favourite reads I find that many of them have pretty horrendous cover deigns. Perhaps my teachers' advice from all those years ago sank in after all!


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