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Sunday, April 10, 2011

In My Mailbox (2)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Kristi over at The Story Siren, where we get to share with our readers the books that we've gotten recently. So here is what I got this week!

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
The Frenzy by Francesca Lia Block

Matched by Ally Condie
Ravenwild by Peter J. Plasse
Heist Society by Ally Carter

Whew! That's a lot of books! And I am still working through my first batch haha. I chose Speak because it won an ALA award for Young Adult Literature. The Frenzy, Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood, and Matched were chosen pretty much exclusively because I loved the covers. I want to read Heist Society because I will be seeing Ally Carter at an upcoming Teen Book Festival in May. Ravenwild was sent to me by the author, and Wicked Lovely just seemed like a cool series to go through. I don't have any particular order in which I'll be reading these, especially since I still have my last stack to get through, but I wanted to share with all of you what I picked up this week and hopefully will get to review sometime in the near future!

Happy reading everyone!


  1. Ooh, The Frenzy looks good -- haven't heard of it before. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Here's my IMM.

  2. Speak, Matched, and Heist Society are great books! Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood looks really good too :) Happy reading!

  3. Great books! I haven't read the Liar Society yet but looking forward to your thoughts on it.

  4. Hi Lea :)
    What a great pile! I'm excited to see your review of Matched, I'm thinking about buying this book soon, and it would be great to know what you thought about it! :)

    Happy reading!
    My IMM: HERE

  5. Hey LC thanks for commenting on my blog. Let me know about the Wicked Lovely series.. I have been on the fence about reading them. Have fun reading..

  6. I'm going to have to check out The Frenzy! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Sunday!

  7. some great finds there! I've got a few of them myself on my to be read pile.

    Happy reading

  8. Lots of good reading ahead for you. Enjoy!

    My Bookshelf

  9. Great book haul! Enjoy all of your books!

  10. I loved Speak. It was a really great book. And I really want to read The Frenzy. I LOVE Francesca Lia Block. Absolutely love her.

    Melissa @ SheShines


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