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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Follow Me Friday (3)

Happy Friday everyone!

Follow me Friday is a weekly book meme hosted by Parajunkee, and it is a great opportunity to find new blogs, meet new people, make new friends, and learn more about the book blogging community (oh yeah, and get new followers, yea!).

Here is what I have been up to this week:

This week's question is: What is on your current playlist?

My answer: I realize that this is definitely not at all sophisticated listening but hey, whatev, I love my driving tunes :) I have no shame in admitting that they currently include:  

Till the World Ends by Britney Spears
Automatic by Aubrey O'Day
E.T. by Katy Perry ft. Kanye West
Written in the Stars by Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turner
Feel Your Love by Kim Sozzi
On the Floor by J. Lo ft. Pitbull
Stereo Love by Edward Maya ft. Vika Jigulina
Down by Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne
Move for Me by Kaskade and Deadmau5
If I Had You by Adam Lambert 

OK, and there may be one or two more Britney songs in the mix too- I love Britney haha... I do have a pretty eclectic taste in music, but right now I am especially loving anything that makes me want to get up and dance :) If I want something a little more mellow I'll usually go for Coldplay or Late Night Alumni. I also really love Sarah Brightman-- she has been my idol ever since I got The Phantom of the Opera album back in 8th grade, and I have been to 4 of her concerts, all of them an unforgettable experience :) Red Hot Chili Peppers and Poe are a couple other favorites!

What are you listening to lately?


  1. New follower. Love your blog!

  2. Hello! Old follower! Happy Good Friday! Have a great weekend :)

  3. You've got some great choices!

    I am already a follower! :D



    New follower from Follow Friday - come over and check out Everyday is an Adventure at


  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am now following. I love the look of your blog.

  6. Great playlist!! There's a lot of songs on your list that I like as well. :) Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!

  7. Thanks for hopping by my blog. As for my fav Mat Kearney song, I probably couldn't pin down just one. I don't listen to the radio much so I don't know which ones they over play on there. I love New York to California, Head Or Your Heart and Runaway Car. Check them out and let me know! :)

    I like your playlist too. Everybody should have a get up and dance playlist!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I really appreciate it :) Love your blog. I'm currently loving Wither and I pretty much love any dystopian novel! Have a great weekend!

    Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books

  9. Okay, So I admit it I love Britney's new album :)
    I listen to a lot of the music you listen to.

    Happy Friday!

  10. You are right - we librarians have diverse tastes! There is no "stereotypical" librarian - even though some people would like to think that. I'd love to go to see Lady Gaga, but at this point it would probably be the money that would keep me from it! LOL!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Happy Easter Holidays!
    I'm your newest follower.

    inga at

  12. My son loves the song Down. Anytime it comes on, he goes crazy and starts singing it:)

    Old Follower:)

    Here is my FF post

    Happy FF!!

  13. Following you back. Thanks for stopping by.
    Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  14. Hello LC ^^
    I'm a new follower!
    I love some Britney to from time to time ^^ Lately I like Hold it Against Me =)

    Happy Easter!

  15. Thanks for the music suggestions!I'm going to check out itunes tonight. That final 1/2 mile is too hard for mellow music!

    Following back from FF... You're lucky to work in libraries around books! I teach English, but too much time is spent teaching a test instead of discovering good literature. It's sad.

  16. Hey thanks for finding me and by your profile we have a bunch in common. Im starting my degree in Library Media Science this Fall and Im from NY! haha Im a follower now!

  17. I love Till the World ends!

    And yeah totally agree with the comment you left on my blog, I don't know if its because where an "older" set of YA readers, but I think its just realistic.

    Thanks for stopping by =)

  18. Phantom of the Opera. Is. Amazing. We're playing it in orchestra. :)

  19. Haha, you listen to everything, it seems like :P.

    That's awesome that your music and movies were saved. I lost some pictures too that I forgot to move to the new profile *facepalm*.

    New follower, too :).

  20. Thanks for the follow! I'm returning the favor. I didnt know Aubrey O'Day had a song out.. Nothing wrong with a little Brittany! Wow Poe, that brings me back to high school. If it's the Poe I'm thinking of with the song Angry Johnny.

    -Amanda P

    Paranormal Romance

  21. Hello! I'm a new follower! I'm listening to some Adele right now. You do have eclectic taste! I think that's great!

    Happy Blog Hop!

    P.S. Last day for our five HUGE giveaways!!!

    Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

  22. Amanda~ It is indeed the same Poe-- Angry Johnny is a GREAT song :) I love anything by Poe... And yes, Aubrey O'Day is making music in between getting plastic surgery haha...

    Thanks everyone for the comments/follows!!

  23. Wow I totally forgot all about Poe. And I am definitely on the Britney Bandwagon!

    Btw, I LOVE your blog!
    Followed Back =)

  24. Fun music choices! I've been following you in the comments on a bunch of other blogs so I had to come see your list. :)
    I'm an old follower. Hope you're having a good weekend.
    kathy from Read This Instead

  25. I love Adam Lambert! Love your playlist! Thanks for stopping at my blog! Have a lovely weekend and wonderful holiday!

  26. I know, Adam Lambert is the best :)

  27. Hi Lea!!

    Some nice tunes you have there! I like all your choices :) Maybe except Kanye West.. I kind of hate this guy ^^'

    Have a great weekend!

  28. Heey
    Thanks for hopping by. I'm also a Britney fan, even though I don't always admit to it!
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  29. Thanks for hopping by my blog! I also have a bit of an eclectic taste in music, and I definitely don't mind upbeat songs you can dance to!

  30. Hi Lea, thank you for following a new blogger like me :) I'm following you now!

    i'm reading your reviews now :)

  31. I don't have a playlist, I have a bunch of stuff on my Ipod but I just play it at the gym. There's opera,classical, rock, punk, soundtracks. I think I am lyric driven as a listener. Or catchy tune driven. But I am not a big music person. New Foll. hope you will come by: Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  32. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I'm a new follower.

    Have a nice weekend.

  33. I love Britney too....well, at least her music! Thanks for finding my blog. I love that our interests are similar! I'm a new follower. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  34. New Follower! Thanks for following me! I love the background of your blog, it is gorgeous!

  35. New follower! I love your blog!! :]

    Nora, The Bookery

  36. hey hey, thanks for stopping by! Your blog is just FANTATSIC

  37. New follower here via the Friday blog hop. I am a new contemporary romance writer and a reader of almost everything! Hope you stop by and check out my blog.

    Love the look of your blog!

  38. I love your playlist! I'm a big fan of Deadmau5 and I love Katy Perry's E.T.!

    Thanks so much for swinging by! New follower!

  39. New Follower! I love the look of your blog!


  40. Thanks for stopping by!! New follower now. :) I look forward to reading your posts... And there's nothing wrong with your playlist! I'd totally listen to it!! :)

    Mandy @ Reality Bites

  41. Thanks for the love everyone!! I really appreciate it :)


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