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Monday, April 18, 2011

Teaser Tuesday (3)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

    OK, so here's my teaser for this week! It is from Anna Godbersen's Bright Young Things, and I just started it today:


    "They were all marching towards their own secret fates, and long before the next decade rolled around, each would escape in her own way-- one would be famous, one would be married, and one would be dead.

    That is what I want to tell you about: the girls with their short skirts and bright eyes and big-city dreams.

    The girls of 1929."


    Ah! I LOVE it!! OK, I know that's technically 3 sentences, but honestly, this was like the best Prologue to a book I've ever read. After reading and loving The Luxe I had to pick up another historical fiction drama by Anna Godbersen-- this time it is set in the Roaring 20's New York City, and I cannot wait to get into this book!

    So what teasers do the rest of my lovely readers have? Leave a link for me below!


    1. am currently reading bright young things and i also love these lines! so far am already halfway through the book and i am loving it!

    2. Fantastic teaser. I agree, that just might be the best prologue ever.

    3. I’ve read the first book in the series, and I loved it! So, I love the teaser too! I really need to read the rest of the series, my TBR pile is astronomical…anyways you can find my TT here:

    4. Hi Lea,
      Great teaser -- Sounds like something I'd really enjoy! I've never heard of Anna Godbersen, but I'll be looking into her and her books asap.
      You have a beautiful blog, btw. Super happy I found you (I'm a new follower) -- thanks for visiting mine!! :-)

    5. Hi! Thanks for being the 100th follower on my blog. I haven't read any of her books but I adore the Roaring 20's. If I had to choose another era to live in it would be then, everything about it is glamorous :)

      Definitely going to check out the book. I'm also a new follower :)

    6. Ohhh! Great teaser, sounds like a great story. :)

      Thanks for stopping by and for following. I'm following you back.

    7. This really is an amazing Prologue. It makes me want to read Bright Young Things immediately. I really hope you're going to enjoy it! :)


      P.s.: Thank you so much for visiting Fictional Distraction. Following you now as well. :)

    8. Bright Young Things has been sitting on my bookshelf for a while now, waiting for me to be desperate for a book I know will be good. The cover taunts me everyday. Awesome teaser!
      You visited my blog, Readers Unite and I wanted to return the favor! Yours looks awesome!

    9. This sound really good! Thanks for stopping by my blog and following me, I followed you back:)

      Here's my Tuesday Teaser from 13 Little Blue Envelopes. Happy Reading! Jen

    10. Great teaser! Sounds like something I would like. Thanks for stopping by -- LOVE your blog colors/design, returning the follow.

    11. Great teaser! I might have to give this one a try...not something I would normally gravitate towards, but sounds interesting. :0)

    12. Love your teaser! I've been wanting to read this for a while after reading the AWESOME Luxe Series. Love your blog, now a new follower


    13. This one sounds amazing, I definitely want to read it now :) Off to add it to my TBR list!

    14. Great teaser. I loved this book and I'm still pining for its sequel.

      Also awesome blog and I'm a new follower too. Librarians have to stick together. ;)

      My Teaser

    15. Have you read Vixen by Jillian Larkin? I am wondering about how these two books compare?


    16. I have not read Vixen yet Angie, but it is sitting on my kitchen table-- I look forward to comparing the two! :)

    17. Oooh, who's the unlucky one?
      That's a great teaser.
      And thanks for commenting on mine. Love your blog!

    18. I really like the teaser and I'm going to look for this book.
      Thanks for following my blog.
      Your 151st folower,
      кєяo's Book Blog


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