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Friday, April 29, 2011

Follow Me friday (4)

I seriously can never believe how fast the week has gone until I write up my next FF post! Follow Me Friday is a weekly book-blogger meme hosted by Parajunkee over at Parajunkee's View (easily one of the sweetest book blogs I've ever seen by the way). Have a book blog? You can join in the fun too! Just visit Parajunkee's site at the pink link above, be sure you are a follower of her blog and the blog she is featuring for the week, put your name in the Linky, create your own FF post on your blog, and then start commenting and following whomever you wish!

This Week's Question:

Keeping with the dystopian and apocalypse theme that seems to be running rampant on, I have one very hard question for you: If you were stocking your bomb shelter, what books would you HAVE to include if you only had space for ten?

Well I am definitely a classics kind of girl through and through, so even though I do love my YA fiction to death, most of my books would probably be a bit more on the heavy side- I'm guessing I'll have a lot of time in my bomb shelter to get through these :)

1.) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
2.) Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
3.) Confessions by Saint Augustine
4.) Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
5.) The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
6.) Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
7.) Utopia by Sir Thomas More
8.) Middlemarch by George Eliot
9.) Dracula by Bram Stoker
10.) Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

While I have read some of these already, there are just so many classics I want to get through at some point in life, but a lot of them are just really tough! So I figure, if I am stuck in a bomb shelter I'll have no choice but to concentrate and make my way through them... However, I have read Pride and Prejudice at least 8 times, it is my fave book ever, and I've read Jane Eyre probably about 3-4 times. Some classics are just readable no matter what time period you're in :)

Happy happy Friday to you all and thank-you for stopping on by my blog!


  1. Great blog! New follower from Follow my Blog. Would love a follow back. Donna at

  2. You bomb shelter list is freakin' beautiful. :] I think I'm going to read everything on it! Lol

    Happy Follow Friday and you've earned a new follower!

    *~` `~*

  3. I love your classic picks! Pride and Prejudice was on my list too! :) Have you seen the recent Jane Eyre movie? It was fantastic!!

  4. Hi, Lea! Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun today. You have a great list. That would definitely keep you occupied. Even after you finish, you can go back, read again, and make new observations. :) Have a great weekend!

  5. I have Little Women on my list as well. You have a great list with lots of oldies but goodies.

  6. Hi Lea,
    Stopping by from Follow Friday. Great book choices. You've got a lot of classics there.

    I'm a new follower.

    Please come on over and check out my 10 picks:
    AsianCocoa's Secret Garden

  7. Oh, definitely seems like great choices! I have like 6 of them here waiting for me to pick them up as well! ;) I thought this was real hard!

    Rebecca @ kindle fever

  8. Great list you have on here.Nice post.Plz do visit my page read on freeing your mind and 5 steps to freeing your mind and comment to assist improve and share my works.
    Lovely day.


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