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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (2)

Today has been pretty quiet-- it's really gray and windy outside so I've just been wrapped up in reading Graceling by Kristin Cashore, and decided to do a little book meme-ing this afternoon :) Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by the lovely Jill at Breaking the Spine.

So, I am sure that some of you have already seen this book and that it probably caught your eye by the absolutely beautiful and romantic cover-- well, it sounds like the story will be just as good! Here is a summary of Illuminated by Erica Orloff:

Some loves are not made to last . . . Like Romeo and Juliet, Heloise and Abelard were doomed from the start, and their romance was destined to pass into history. Yet when sixteen-year-old Callie Martin discovers a diary hidden within an antique book, their story-and hers-takes on another life. For the diary leads Callie to the brilliant and handsome August, who is just as mysterious as the secret the diary hides. Their attraction is undeniable. As the two hunt down the truth behind the diary-and that of Heloise and Abelard's ancient romance-their romance becomes all-consuming. But Callie knows it can't last . . . love never does. Will their love that burns as bright as a shooting star flame out, or will these star-crossed lovers be able to defy history? 

Illuminated is set to be released December 8, 2011 and it is one that I am definitely looking forward to!


  1. Oh wow I love that cover. This is the first time I'm hearing about this book and it's definitely going on my TBR list. Thanks for featuring it! Great pick!

    Feel free to check out my WoW here.

  2. I've noticed that a couple of people have picked this one, it does look really good.


  3. First time I'm hearing of this one. I'm adding it to my TBR list for sure. Love that cover.Great choice! Thanks for dropping by my way today!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! That is such a beautiful cover!

    The book I chose is non-fiction, but reads like a novel. It's crazy that some of the best stories are true and not a work of fiction!

    Hope you have a great Wednesday!

  5. Oooooh- this sounds super good! TBR all the way! :) Also, I LOVED Graceling! I hope you do too! Fire is pretty good too, but not as exciting to me as Graceling. Enjoy :)

  6. I haven't heard of this one before! Thanks for updating me on an awesome book!

  7. I haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds great. I will definitely be adding this to my wishlist!
    Thanks for visiting my blog An Avid Reader's Musings.

  8. Great pick! I really want to read this one too! :)

  9. Oh, and GRACELING is one of my all time faves! Enjoy :P

  10. This is such a beautiful cover. Sounds like a great romance.
    My Twilight WOW

  11. this is definitely in my wishlist! the premise sounds really good and the book cover is just plain wonderful!

    here's mine:

  12. Great pick, I really love the cover :)
    I hopped over from Book Blogs and am now following you :) please stop by my blog, too, sometime :) Evie @ Bookish :


  13. This one sounds really interesting....I can't stop looking at the cover! Awesome! Ps. I love your blog for librarians. I was over there earlier and had to follow it :)

  14. Thanks guys for all of your comments, it's always a pleasure discussing book memes with you! :)

  15. This sounds amazing and the cover is stunning! Great pick. New follower. =]

    That's What Liz Read


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