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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Interview with Anna Godbersen

Don't you just looooove slow days when you don't have to work and can just sit and read? Today has been such a nice, quiet and relaxing Sunday-- I spent pretty much all day reading The Luxe by Anna Godbersen and let me just say, what an incredible book! I absolutely adored it and cannot wait to get my hands on the sequel, Rumors. I am not a very fast reader so even I was impressed that I finished this 448-page book in less than 2 days :)

Tomorrow I'll be posting my review of The Luxe so stay tuned!

In anticipation of my review for The Luxe by Anna Godbersen, I wanted to first post this interview that I watched earlier today while finishing up the book. Anna really gives some great insight into what went into writing and creating this series. One aspect that really struck me was the laborious and pain-staking process of research and fact-checking that she went through in order to create an historical fiction series that is not only incredibly fun and exciting to read but is also as accurately based on historic fact as possible. This, to me, is so impressive and I really cannot praise her talent enough :) I have definitely found a new favorite series after reading The Luxe!

So I hope that you all enjoy this interview, and I am looking forward to talking about The Luxe with you tomorrow!

Lots of love to my followers and have a great night everyone!! :)


  1. Now I have to run out and find this book - I don't even have to wait for the review. Great blog!

  2. Thank you :) This was an awesome book!!


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